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I am the great grand daughter of Thomas Allen, killed in 1916 at the Four Courts, he is buried in Kilglass having been exhumed from Glasnevin. I can find him in the 1901 census he was an apprentice to a Mr Halpin (boot maker) in Clondelee beg, i would love to know who his parents were, or how i could find out more on his background.




Saturday 22nd Aug 2015, 03:40PM

Message Board Replies

  • Siobhan:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Below is a link to the only Thomas Allen civil birth index record in 1885 in Co. Meath. Killyon is in the Trim registration district.

    You can get a copy of this record from the General Register Office for around 4 euros. The record will show the names of his parents and where they lived. If you need instructions to obtain a copy, let me know.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 22nd Aug 2015, 06:00PM
  • Siobhan

    If you are not already aware of it you might find the link below interesting.…

    Jim Vaughan.


    Jim Vaughan, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 22nd Aug 2015, 06:04PM
  • Siobhan:

    After I saw Jim's note, I looked for Thomas in Dublin in the 1911 census. Here is the record.…

    I also searched for a civil marriage index record and found a 1905 record where one of the possible spouses was Margaret Anderson. This might be the index record for his marriage record.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 22nd Aug 2015, 07:23PM
  • Hi guys

    Many thanks, i have most of your suggestions, i think i need to get a copy of his birth cert. Again many thanks


    Monday 24th Aug 2015, 07:01PM
  • Hi Siobhan, 

    Found a Window of the Past article by Noel French in Meath Chronicle dated 7 April, 2012

    "Thomas Allen born in Longwood about 1885.  When he was very young his mother died and both he and his sister were taken to their grandparents`house at Ballasport, Hill of Down where Thomas attended the local school and was later apprenticed to bootmaker Pat Halpin of Clondalee... Having learned his trade, Allan moved to Dublin and lived with his Aunt, Kate Quinn in Phibsborough.  Later Thomas married Margaret Anderson and they had four children, Tommy, Jack, James and Eileen.... John lived in Dublin where he worked as a chemist and another son emigrated to the US. Another son moved to Manchester.  Allen`s uncle was James Quinn of Hill of Down while his Aunt Kate Allen lived at Inan, Longwood....It is said his father who was in the USA paid for his body to be reburied in Longwood."

    1901 census for Ballasport (Hill of Down, Meath) lists Thomas Allen, age 72, general labourer and his wife Elizabeth.  Elizabeth and James Allen, daughter and son.  Elizabeth and Bridget Allen and John Quinn, grandchildren.

    Thomas and Elizabeth Allen are Thomas Allen`s grandparents. 




    Tuesday 1st Mar 2016, 04:51PM
  • Tricia

    Thank you so much, its great to get so much information, i just need to find his parents names, i have been told his Mam was a Quinn, i'll keep digging.

    Again thanks a million


    Friday 4th Mar 2016, 05:40PM
  • Hello Siobhan, I was also interested in Thomas Allen as he was married to my grandmother's sister, Margret, so we may be related. I live in Australia but my parents are from Dublin. I was trying to find out about some descendants of the Allen's.





    Wednesday 13th Apr 2016, 08:00AM
  • Hi Clare

    Yeah thats great,  we are indeed related, he was my Nana Eileen Allen Havertys Dad, Nana was the only girl they had, Thomas Allen, followed by John, Eileen, and James.

    A photo of  Nanas marraige has surfaced of late , Great grand Aunty Ginny is in it , she was one of the bridesmaid, and we think 2 of the lads were her brothers, but as most of her children are gone, it hard to know who they are.

    If you would like you can contact me by email on, i can give you more detail

    Thursday 14th Apr 2016, 09:15PM
  • Hello Siobhan,

    Thanks for replying. I've tried to send information to your email but there seems to be a problem with that, maybe the ie extension, I don't know. I also rember Ginny and saw her grave at Glasnevin earlier this year.





    Friday 15th Apr 2016, 07:08AM
  • I'm also a great granddaughter of Thomas Allen. His son, Thomas, was my grandfather. He emigrated to the United States and had three daughters. My aunt provided me with some of the family history. I'll see what I can find and share.


    Friday 22nd Apr 2016, 12:45AM
  • Hi Christine

    Its so nice to hear from you, and you have answered  a problem we had here, we knew Tom and James had left Ireland, 1 to the States and 1 to England, but there are no elders left to tell us the answere. I am the eldest of Eileens grandchildren, she was your grandads only sister, sadly she died in 1963 , she left 8 boys (my dad Thomas Allen Haverty) was her eldest child and 1 girl Aunty Eileen. Nana was married in 1936 to Peter Haverty also gone.

    I have 3 questions for you if you don't mind,

    1  When did your grandad arrive in the states and where did he settle.

    2   Did he ever meet his Grandad over there, Thomas Allen also, he left here after his wife died aged 26 years leaving his 3 children with his parents Thomas and Elizabeth Allen, (2 girls and Thomas)

    3     Did your Grandad have a family reunion here in the 1960s, i was very young but i vaguely remember something about it.

    That enough i think for now, it would be great to hear from you again, you can contact me directly on

    Take care


    Sunday 24th Apr 2016, 08:50AM



    I am interested in the surname Allen in Ireland, please see the below information and reply if you or someone you know would have interest in participating.


    The ALLEN y-DNA Project & The ALLEN Guild of One Name Studies



    The Allen DNA Project is partnering with the Allen Guild of One Name Studies in an exciting new Research Endeavor. The Allen DNA Project is a USA based group, but is very interested in expanding our membership to a world-wide audience by actively seeking out Allens from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Mainland Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or anywhere else on the planet. Additionally, any spelling variation of the Allen surname is welcome: Allan, Allyn, Allin, etc.


    To this point, FREE yDNA 12 marker tests will be made available to any males carrying the Allen surname and residing outside the United States who are willing to join the project and participate in the testing. This involves no blood or needles, only a cotton swab rubbed on the inner cheek.


    The only requirement for a free yDNA test is a known Allen/Allan (any spelling) lineage to at least the participant’s Great Grandfather Allen/Allan (any spelling) in any country. Additionally, The Allen DNA Project is setting aside a specific Sub-group within the Project with a full commitment of assistance from Allen Project Co-Administrator Dr. Eric Allen who will be overseeing this specific International Sub-group.


    Guild of One Name Studies:  


    Allen DNA Project: 


    Direct Contacts:  


    Mr. Chris Allen: 


    Dr. Eric Allen:




    Eric Allen


    Thursday 15th Sep 2016, 08:00PM
  • Hi all,


    I am the Great Great Grandson of Thomas Allen.

    John was my Great grandfather. Im very glad to have found this website and to find distant family members.

    I live in Rathdrum in county Wicklow with my four brothers and parents. My dad is from a family of seven kids and my grandfather (who was grandson of Thomas) came from a family of six. I'm 17 years old.   

    I would love to hear back from you. 


    Jack Allen 


    Monday 10th Oct 2022, 08:50PM
  • Hi Jack,


    I was just digging through some emails to find the family history info.   I am the great-granddaughter of Thomas Allen.  There are a number of Thomas Allens in the family, so this can get a bit confusing.  I think I need a visual to keep track of the family tree!


    It sounds like Thomas Allen's mother died in childbirth while birthing
    Thomas.  When his mother died, the father went to Pittsburgh,
    Pennsylvania. Some time after Thomas Allen (my great grandfather) was
    killed in the rebellion, his son Thomas (my grandfather) was sent to
    live with his two aunts, Margaret and Elizabeth, in the Hill of Down in
    West Meath.  Thomas (my grandfather) then came to Pennsylvania hoping to work and go to
    school. His father worked for the railroad.  The two of them did not
    agree, so his son

    Thomas came to New York.   He met my grandmother, an immigrant
    from Barefield, County Clare.  They were married on August 8th, 1933 (or
    1934- the information was altered on the certificate) in New York City.
    They eventually settled in Kings Park, Long Island in New York.  They
    had three daughters: Eileen, Christena (my mother- now deceased) and
    Maureen.  Eileen lives in New Jersey and Maureen lives in New York.  

    My grandparents came to Ireland in 1972. While they were in Ireland, my
    grandfather passed away from a bleeding peptic ulcer at the age of 64. 




    Sunday 16th Oct 2022, 02:22PM

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