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Grandfather:  Edward O'Malley or (Melia) Co. Meath married Elizabeth Nulty 1898 in Dublin.  

Father was John  from Co. Meath......and then I am stuck, I may have been on the wrong track as did get a Daniel Melia as his father but looking at dates now may not have been correct. So have been around as far as Australia as a convict for him but may have been the wrong Daniel. Thanks Rita


Saturday 1st Mar 2014, 08:53PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Rita,

    I have a John Malia/>Malley/O'Malley in my tree married to a  Great aunt don'y have much other info,

    if you go onto Ancestry there is an O'Brien tree researching the O'Malley/Malley/ Malia  line you may find what you are looking for there.

    Good Luck.

    Sunday 2nd Mar 2014, 03:39AM
  • Tks You mean  as have to be a member of that or roots, anyone ever hear of a place called CONNICK co Mayo or a parish near it?

    Wednesday 26th Mar 2014, 08:35PM
  • Hello Rita,

    The place in County Mayo that you call "CONNICK" sounds a lot like the phonetic spelling or pronunciation form for "Connacht" (or "Connaught"), the western province of Ireland that is comprised of the 5 counties of Mayo, Galway, Leitrim, Roscommon and Sligo. 

    There was a good deal of movement in the hard times of the 17th and 18th century---as in "To Hell or Connaught"---so maybe a person just gave "Connaught" as their place of origin to give people a rough idea of where they came from, without getting into a detailed listing (or without giving out too much information if they were worried about the possibility that the British were looking for them).

    Many, many O'Malley/Malley names in County Mayo, as well as elsewhere. Don't forget that you can sign up for the "" website for free for the first two weeks and then cancel out your account just before the two weeks are up. And The Latter Day Saints (Mormon) library's website at "" is free and loaded with information after you join (...joining just the website, not the church itself).  

    Good luck.

    ----Robert O'Keane

    O'Keane-Keane and Prendergast

    Wednesday 26th Mar 2014, 09:48PM
  • Thanks Robert, I thought that as this info was written on his death certificate as place of birth in Australia, I have since found out there were also 2 brothers also sent in 1834 but theiir surname was spelt O'Maley a Patrick 1810 and Arthur 1795. Tks Rita 

    Friday 28th Mar 2014, 02:02AM
  • Looks like that Daniel O'Malley is not mine as heard from Australia and he requested his wife over and her name was Mary Walsh, our Daniel'w wife was a Bridget Walsh from Co. Meath. So I will keep on searching.  Thanks


    Wednesday 20th Aug 2014, 09:08PM
  • Looks like that Daniel O'Malley is not mine as heard from Australia and he requested his wife over and her name was Mary Walsh, our Daniel'w wife was a Bridget Walsh from Co. Meath. So I will keep on searching.  Thanks


    Wednesday 20th Aug 2014, 09:08PM
  • Sorry should have said Bridget Gaffney

    Wednesday 20th Aug 2014, 09:11PM

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