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I am researching the Farrelly family which originated in County Meath, Ireland.  Laurence Farrelly was born in County Meath, Ireland on March 17, 1814.  He married a woman named Mary Gough (her maiden name was spelled Goff in later American records).  While in Ireland, the couple had four children: Anna, Patrick, James, and Mary.  The Irish birth record of Anna shows that she was born on November 11, 1839 in Parish Stamullen in County Meath.

According to stories which were passed down orally through the family, Laurence Farrelly was married three times (Mary Gough was the last of the three wives and was the only wife whose name is still known).  The first two wives were reported to have been buried in Ireland.  The story about Laurence Farrelly's first two wives was report to have been passed from Laurence to his grandson (James Farley).  James passed the story down to his daughter, Charlotte Farley; and, Charlotte passed the story directly to me in 2000.  Laurence and his grandson, James Farley, were reported to have had a very close relationship.

The family name was later changed to Farley after the family moved to America.  The spelling of Laurence Farrelly's name was changed to Lawrence Farley.  Records show that the mother and four children arrived at the port of New York on the ship Shannon (from Liverpool) on July 10, 1851.  The Farleys settled near the town of Meredosia, Illinois, where their fifth and final child, Lawrence, was born.  Mary died a year later (burial place is unknown).  The father and five children moved to Stephenson County, Illinois.  The father became a U.S. citizen in 1860.  The sons, James and Patrick, both served in the military during the American Civil War.  James died while the family was residing in Illinois.  The father and four surviving children finally moved to Union County, Dakota Territory; and, all are buried in cemeteries in that county, which is now located in the state of South Dakota.


Sunday 21st Sep 2014, 06:42AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Brian

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    Records for the RC parish of Stamullen begin in 1831 for baptisms and 1830 for marriages. Have you tried using or another database for any record of a marriage of a Laurence Farrelly to other women; as he would have married in the parish of the bride you may need to search outside the parish of Stamullen. At the same time though, it is not very likely that he would have married in a far off parish, it really depends.

    Let us know if you learn anything further

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 30th Sep 2014, 09:32AM
  • Clare Doyle:

    Thank you very much for your suggestions.  Apologies for my delay in getting back to you as well.  Work has kept me away from my genealogy research.

    I've done limited searches on but need to go further.  I know next to nothing about Laurence Farrelly's first two marriages beyond stories that were passed down orally.  The wife and children from his third marriage are well documented (although I still don't know where he married his third wife, except that it was somewhere in Ireland).  The names of the first two wives are completely unknown.

    Once again, thank you for your response.  I'll let you know if I have any further questions.

    Brian Hass


    Saturday 25th Apr 2015, 10:52PM
  • Great Brian, keep in touch and let us know if you find anything new!

    All the best
    Genealogy Support

    Monday 27th Apr 2015, 08:42AM

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