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The only hint of where my Irish gggrandfather, Patrick O’Riley came from [from oral tradition] is that he was born in Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath, Ireland in 1831. His father James O’Riley and mother, Mary Mooney, given on his second marriage certificate to a new wife in Milwaukee, later 1860s.

He arrived in New York City in the late 1840s [too many Patricks to narrow down]. He married Mary Ellen Malone there and they had one least one child born in the Brooklyn area, named James.

About 1857 they left and settled in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Patrick died there in 1888.

Mike Reilly

Friday 3rd Oct 2014, 06:52PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Mike

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    Given the high number of Patrick and O'Riley/Rielly records it would be easier I think at this stage if you could find out more information from your end. I don't see any baptisms for Patrick on Ancestry for the period you specify (broadened +/- 5 years) for the parents you name.

    Have you managed to track down the marriage of Patrick and Mary Ellen Malone yet? have been running online webinars that might help you list the sources that could help:

    Do you think that you have exhausted all sources your end yet?

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 7th Oct 2014, 02:44PM
  • Have not found any marriage records for them in New York. There are so many Patrick Reillys similar in age all arriving about the same time period. I had hoped to find siblings thru the new Irish parish records online but came up empty and frustrated. Trying to get answer on when or how soon the average child was baptized back then. Very soon or could the timing be years. Since the only official records appear to be baptismal, could his birth date actually be his date of baptism? It would seem likely.

    Friday 4th Mar 2016, 10:21PM

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