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Would like to establish contact with Francis Saul in Drumcondra.

My genealogy research indicates that we are related through Rose Saul, daughter of Denis Saul,

Rose married James Hoey of Dundalk, County Louth. I am a Hoey decendent. My cousins currently reside in Dundalk, England and USA.

Denis had a brother named Peter who had a son Francis born1851. 

Sunday 26th Jan 2014, 02:50PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Edward

    Have attached the irish phone book listing for Francis Saul

    The listing simply says Francis Saul Drumcondra (041) 685 4121 


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 26th Jan 2014, 09:02PM
  • Hi Col,

    Just wanted to let you know that contact was made with Francis and his brother Damien in Navan.

    Families exchanging information.  A very successful contact after a 100+ years of silence.

    Will visit Drumcondra later this year.



    Tuesday 11th Mar 2014, 12:53PM
  • Dooneye,  

    You posted the message below.  I woud like to get in touch with you.  I am also a descendant of Rose Saul who married James Hoey of County Louth.  Please email me at


    "Would like to establish contact with Francis Saul in Drumcondra.  My genealogy research indicates that we are related through Rose Saul, daughter of Denis Saul,  Rose married James Hoey of Dundalk, County Louth. I am a Hoey decendent. My cousins currently reside in Dundalk, England and USA.  Denis had a brother named Peter who had a son Francis born1851. dooneye"

    Thursday 16th Mar 2017, 09:12PM
  • The name of my Grandmother was Bridget Hoey. I have confirmed via genealogical study that her mother was Rose Saul (born in Drumcondra)and her father was James Hoey. Bridget married Andrew Devin (also my name) at Kilsaran in 1907, but unfortunately she died in 1938 many years before my birth. I was born and have lived in England all of my life, but I still have cousins who live in Ardee (where my father was born). Rose Saul spent the later years of her life as a widow living with her daughter Teresa Murphy in Dundalk. It has been very rewarding learning more about my ancestors, because sadly my father, who died in 1973, never discussed his relatives. Happy to post the detail.

    Friday 27th Oct 2017, 08:54PM

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