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My great-great-grandfather Michael Kavanagh & his family were listed as living in the Townland of Ardsallagh on the 1821 Census.  He was a 30 year old gardener & his wife was 35 year old Rose Ellen Hyland.  They had 4 children – Mary (7), Bridget (5), Catherine (3) & Peter (1).  The family immigrated to Utica, NY around 1850, with Mary & Catherine remaining in Ireland.  Additional family members that were born after the Census were – Ellen, John, Elizabeth (1828) & Rose (1833).  Rose married a Patrick Day & Elizabeth married my great-grandfather Patrick FitzSimons from Saul, County Down.  Elizabeth & Patrick were married in the Chicago area in about 1855.

On the Census there were 15 occupied homes & occupations were listed as blacksmith, flax spinner, labourer, carpenter, house servant, gardner & one farmer of 16 acres.  In-as-much as the Townland of Ardsallagh was 665 acres it is probable that Ardsallagh was the demesne of the 3rd Earl Ludlow & those that lived there were employed by the ‘Big House’.


Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 08:23PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for your message and for sharing this information on our message board.

    Just to clarify, do you have a specific query that we may be able to help you with or are you just sharing information?

    Once again, thank you.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Monday 1st Jul 2013, 11:24AM
  • Thanks for getting back to me.

    With regards to church records a very useful website is the Irish Times where they give an overview of what records are available in specific parishes. Ardsallagh falls under the Catholic parish of Navan:

    As you can see records for the parish have a very early start date. Most records are still held locally so you could try writing to the local parish priest for possible assistance. Alternatively you could contact Meath Heritage Centre who have copies available, however a fee may apply. Here is their email:


    The local parish priest may also be able to give you some information on what church the family would have attended.


    With regards to what school it may be an idea to contact the Local Studies Department of Meath Co. Library to see if they can assist you with the local history of Ardsallagh. Here is a link to their webpage:


    Thank you once again for sharing your information on our message board.Sorry I couldn?t be of more assistance than this. Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.


    Kind regards,    



    Thursday 4th Jul 2013, 08:22AM
  • Emma,

    I was sharing information but do have some questions.  I would be interested if anyone has any information on the Kanvanaghs or Hylands from Ardsallagh Townland or Parish.  What school would they have attended - 1800 'til 1840?  (My great-grandmother, Elizabeth Kavanagh, spoke Gaelic)  What church would they have attened - 1790 'til 1850?  Are there any church records available for baptismals, marriages & burials?  Did either Mary or Catherine marry?



    Friday 5th Jul 2013, 04:44PM

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