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New to this site, have more than a few ancestors born in Ireland. This is my first entry. Thank you for looking.


Tuesday 11th Jul 2017, 06:10PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear TrishaS:

    Many thanks for your post to the Ireland Reaching Out message board.

    It is very difficult to get back earlier than the early 1800s generally for Irish genealogy, but records do exist --although in many cases, they may be just extracts.

    If this is a Church of Ireland baptism, you might consider contacting the Representative Church Body (Anglican Church) archives and library directly.  They hold many of the Church registers and will be able to direct you further.  Their email address is:


    If you need further assistane, please let us know.

    Thank you for your interest in Ireland Reaching Out!

    Kind regards,


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Wednesday 26th Jul 2017, 11:21AM

Post Reply