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Looing for info on my great great grandfather Laurence Gibbons married to an Alice ??? and lived

 Toomore West . Know that they had 4 children. John married to Ellen Gavin-Laurence married to Ann Walsh -

James Henry married to (Judith)Julia Flanagan - Mary married to James Gavin from Keelogues.


James Henry was my gr grandfather and he had 11 children, Michael the first was born in Castlebar.  The last (11th) was Frederick Charles Gibbons,

born in Madras India Mar 28 1872, while his father was in the British Army .. 

Fred married Ellen OHora of Lack Feb 9th 1900  and they had 7 children .

MaryAnne b Nov 27 1900-1968, James b 1902-1929, Ellen (Nelly) b Sept 1905-Sept 1990, Julia b 1907-Jan 1976,

Bridget (Babs) b May 1909-May 1990, Frederick b 1911-1991,

Kathleen Gibbons-Feeney b 1915  Lived on Davitts Terrace, passed Aug 2002 ...

Have a lot of information on James Henry and his travels and time spent in India (16 Years) where Fred was born.

Fred was the youngest of the 11 children and the only one who returned to Mayo with him in about 1895.

They lived in Parke and Fred was a game keeper on the Fitzgerald estate and later a mailman in Parke.

Fred died June 1964 ..


If anyone can fill in some data on Laurence and his wife I would appreciate it.  Or if you remember Fred delivering mail in Turlough I would love to hear your rememberings of Granddad ..


Have lots more on other sections of this family...  Very willing to share info. Had lots of help along the way

and would love to help others as they search ..

Family Names: OHora- Nealon-Howley-McHale-Tunney-Gibbons-Jordan


Tuesday 7th Feb 2012, 10:10PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi there,

    Thank you very much for your query. Looking at the parish name, I would suggest that the correct name is Toomore. You should post your message here on the Virtual Parish Profile (VPP): Even though the VPP is not yet active, you can still post your message. Someone from the community will answer your query in time.

    In the meantime, keep checking the IRO website.

    Kind regards,

    Sinead Cooney

    Friday 17th Feb 2012, 03:56PM
  • Hi

    I just wondered if you have visited this website, some of the Graveyards in Mayo have been photographed and transcribed,  the photographs are probably copyright, but I live near Turlough Cemetery  (not a native :) )  but I can get a photograph for you if you would like, (you may have one already).

    You could go to the Homepage and check for your other family names.

    I have also transcribed some Graveyards in Mayo for Findagrave, not sure if you will find any of your names here, here is my link for Toomore.…;

    You could try Straide and Keelogues here as well as they are nearby.

    You don't have marriage names for any of Fred's daughter's do you know if they married?

    Hope this is helpful


    Dympna J

    Friday 16th Nov 2012, 09:05PM

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