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I have come across recent obituaries for Loughneys living in Rathrea, Kincon, Kilfian.  I was wondering if anyone had access to phonebooks and could look up to see if any Loughneys still live in Kilfian.




Tuesday 18th Dec 2012, 05:43PM

Message Board Replies

  • John

    I have a current Directory and this name is common in Ballina & Killala,

    If you would like to email me I can send you details





    Tuesday 18th Dec 2012, 07:55PM
  • Dear John,


    My name is David Loughney and I live in Rathrea, Kincon, Ballina, Co, Mayo.   There are 3 Loughney families living here in Rathrea and we are all related.  If you need any further information you can e-mail me on







    Saturday 29th Dec 2012, 12:39AM
  • Hi David,


    Thanks for replying. I'd be most interested in sharing information. My great grandfather, Thomas Loughney, emigrated in 1865 to Pennsylvania, his parents Bartholomew and Jane Duffy stayed on the farm in Kincon. I know my great grandfather had a brother named Patrick Loughney who stayed in Kincon, and later his son, name Patrick, took over the farm.

    I will drop you an email.

    Hope to hear back from you,


    Saturday 29th Dec 2012, 06:24PM

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