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I am looking for info on my mothers family.  My mother was Mary Bridget Quinn.  She was born in Islandeady in 1923.  She was the daughter of Patrick Quinn and Bridget Gavin.  Her father was from Derrygowla and her mother was from Derrycooraun.  Her brothers and sisters were Michael, Catherine, Thomas, Ann and Margaret.  My mother left Ireland to undertake her Nurse training in Manchester with her sister Catherine (Kath).  I know little of her life in Islandeady apart from that she was a farmers daughter and they had a well in their garden.


I visited Islandeady in 1973 with my mother when I was 11 years old. We stayed in Kilfea with a lady we called aunty Katie Murray.  We visited the remains of my mothers family home where the well remained.  My mother died in 2007.  I would love to find out much more about her family and their origins.


Any info or assistance would be greatly appreciated.



Cathy Parish


Sunday 7th Jul 2013, 06:04PM

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