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Hi, I am looking for ancestors of James McNeice, born (records vary) 1817, 1818, or 1819 in Ireland and immigrated to Ontario, Canada in 1842. His wife was Ann (probably a Brown) born July 19, 1841 in Ireland. I have deduced that he is likely from the Civil parish of Ballysakerry Mayo.

They had children Thomas (1860-1897), Myriam (Marie, 1862-1902), Emmy J. "Amy" (1864-), George (1865-1916), John Alexander (1866-) Ellen Elizabeth (1867-), Joseph (1870-1955) and Rueben (1872-).

I have been unable to find a connection to Ireland as of yet and hardly know where else to start. I stumbled upon this site today.

They had children Thomas (1860-1897), Myriam (Marie, 1862-1902), Emmy J. "Amy" (1864-), George (1865-1916), John Alexander (1866-) Ellen Elizabeth (1867-), Joseph (1870-1955) and Rueben (1872-).

My husband is of the family of Joseph McNeice, who settled in Lumsden, Saskatchewan, Canada area.

I have been unable to find any connection to Ireland as of yet and hardly know where to start. I stumbled upon this site today.

Any information you might be able to provide is gratefully accepted.

Thursday 5th Nov 2015, 06:14PM

Message Board Replies

  • Julia:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The RC records for Ballysakeery parish do not start until late 1843.

    I did check the 1829 Tithe Applotment records for Ballysakeery and there was a Thomas McNish listed in Mullygarry townland which possibly is McNeice. Also I note that the oldest grandson was Thomas possibly named after his grandfather.…

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 5th Nov 2015, 07:35PM
  • Methodist Religion - McNeice

    I'm sorry, I should have said they were Protestant - most of the early ones were Methodist.

    Friday 6th Nov 2015, 02:30PM
  • Julie:

    You may want to contact the Methodist church in Ballina to see if they know if records are avalable for the early 19th century.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 6th Nov 2015, 03:42PM


    I can't register at the above (only way to contact them) because it keeps saying "empty solution not allowed" and I don't know what that means. I keep changing things, including on the password to try and circumvent that message but nothing is successful. Have you another way I could contact the Methodist church in Ballina?

    Friday 6th Nov 2015, 08:27PM
  • Julie:

    I would try to e-mail the Rev. Taylor at the address below.


    Ballina Methodist Church is on Hill Street.

    Sunday Services in winter at 4pm and summer at 7pm.

    Rev Stephen Taylor

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 6th Nov 2015, 09:17PM
  • Note: I found a way around it (the above problem I had) and have sent an email to them.

    Friday 6th Nov 2015, 09:43PM
  • Thanks, will contact Rev Stephen Taylor.

    Thanks for your help!


    Friday 6th Nov 2015, 09:56PM
  • I've tried emailling Rev Stephen Taylor twice now, and not received any reply.

    Does anyone have any other suggestions about how I could connect the McNeice family in Ireland? They were Methodists.

    Tuesday 22nd Dec 2015, 04:47PM

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