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Don't know marriage date:  Mary baptized 2 Nov 1856; Bridget baptized 19 Aug 1858' Amme (my grandmother) probably born 1861 but can't find any birth/baptism; Francis born 12 Oct 1866 and he married Mary Duffy on 8 Apr 1888; Michael born 6 Sep 1868; James born 7 Jun 1872; Janie probably born 1872 (from her death certificate); Pat baptized10 or 12 Mar 1876.  I had someone helping me - in Ireland - but when it reached 370 pounds, I had to stop.  We plan to be in Ballina around Oct 8 or 9 (my 70th birthday)

I have a Griffith's map of three parcels of land that was occupied by Connor mid 1800


I appreciate any help


Wednesday 21st Aug 2013, 11:28AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Veronica,

    Thank you very much for your message.

    It may be an idea to try and make an appointment with the local parish priest in Ballynahaglish to see if he can help you find some records relevant to your family.  Here is a link to the contact section of Backs/Ballynahaglish parish:

    According to the Irish Times website, records for the parish of Ballynahaglish/Backs start as early as 1830 so hopefully you will be able to find something.


    As you can see from the above link the North Mayo Family History Research Centre have copies available. Here is their contact details if you would like to contact them, please note however that a fee may apply:

    North Mayo Family History Research Centre





    Phone: +353 (0) 96 31809    Email:

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.


    Kind regards,    

    Genealogy Support










    Tuesday 3rd Sep 2013, 02:10PM
  • Veronica - first, happy birthday! and second, how was your trip?  I too have ancestors from Ballynahaglish and I will be going to Ireland next June so I am most interested in what you may have found in the way of records.  Where you able to speak to a parish priest?


    My family lived in Coolcranan in the 1840 - 1853 time frame before going to Baltmore, Maryland, USA.  I would love to know if I still have relatives in the area. William Roche/Roach and Ann McAndrews. Would love to hear how your trip went, Kate Fandetti

    Thursday 17th Oct 2013, 06:48PM

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