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Looking for any kin with connection to the above names.    Edward McHale and Margaret McNulty had a son Peter born Tonybaun in 1844 and by 1847 they and their extended family, including in-laws (McNulty) siblings and their in-laws (Mulderig and Devit(t), had all moved to Wrexham, North Wales, UK.    The names of Edward McHale's parents are not known but he was born circa 1817 and had siblings named Bridget, Peter, John and Owen.     There was also a Kitty/Catherine McHale born circa 1795, she may have been an older sibling or his mother.

The parents of Margaret McNulty were John and Bridget McNulty, John being born circa 1788 at Castlebar, and their children born between 1817 and 1833 were William, Margaret as above, James, Dennis, Bridget, Mary Ann, Catherine and John.

Saturday 29th Dec 2012, 09:53AM

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  • Hi

    Thank you for your message. I have forwarded your request to a volunteer in the area who may be able to offer you some advice or assistance.

    Please post as much relevant information as you can regarding the people you are researching - including what sources you may have already used as this will help us to further your search.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support



    Thursday 21st Feb 2013, 12:55PM

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