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Looking for information on any descendants of Martin J fitzsimmons born in Oldcastle in 1850. His mothers maiden name was Byrne and he migrated to New York  in 1888 , marrying Katherine Claffy in 1900. I wonder was he lreated to the other Fitzsimmons you were working with earlier. Thanks Ger.

Monday 9th Dec 2013, 02:38PM

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  • Hi - thank you for your message. Some resources for County Limerick which may be helpful to your research include:

    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

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    Thursday 6th Feb 2014, 10:23AM
  • Hello,

    My ancestor, Michael Fitzsimmons, was born in County Mayo in 1789. His wife was Margaret Mulvey, who was born in County Mayo in 1792. The couple and their son John (and perhaps another son Thomas, not verified) immigrated to the United States during the potato famine and were founding members of the Irish Settlement in Sartwell, PA.

    Michael was one of 6 children of Michael Fitzsimmons and Mary McLaughlin (O'Laughlin) of County Mayo.

    Not sure if that helps you much, but of course I would be interested in any information pertaining to any of these individuals. I have been trying for over a year to find any information on Fitzsimmons' in County Mayo and have come up totally empty. All the research I have seen indicates two main Fitzsimmons' branches in Ireland, both as a result of the Norman invasion:

    1) In Ulster, many of whom were Protestant and stayed loyal to the crown

    2) In "The Pale" (Dublin, Wexford, etc) and County Cavan, many of whom were Catholic, intermarried with the Irish women, and became Gaelicized.

    How and why Fitzsimmons' ended up in Mayo I don't know, but wish I did.

    Thanks and good luck to you.

    Best regards,



    Saturday 19th Aug 2023, 03:31AM

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