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G 'Day Guys......

I would like  to pick your brains...input would be greatly appreciated...

Re : JAMES KILBANE  posted by mknight 11 / 12 Sept.....

In my tree  I have MARY KILBANE .   born 21 May 1879 in SHRHUNS ( AS IN RECORD ) SHRAHEENS I  would say ..daughter of MARTIN KILBANE  & CATHERINE / KITTY COONEY...I cannot find a birth or marriage for  MARTIN KILBANE....I estimate his birth c1850 ish.... his wife Catherine / Kitty Cooney about the same...while researching I have come across a  MARTIN KILBANE born c1846 & MARY COONEY KILBANE born c1851 /57 also of SHRAHEENS.....


My question is it possible that Martin Kilbane  & Michael Kilbane could quiet possibly be brothers... and married the Cooney sisters......


with mknight post and your answers and my it also possible that the OWEN KILBANE...ACHILL BEG    or   PAT KILBANE   SAULA  could also be the GRANDFATHER  to my  MARTIN KILBANE...c 1850 ish ????


Your advice would be greatly appreciated..



Heather in Oz    Cheers !


















































Tuesday 16th Sep 2014, 01:20PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Heather

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    I have passed your query to our Achill volunteer. I hope you will be hearing from him soon.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 23rd Sep 2014, 11:32AM
  • G'day Heather,

    I took a look at Griffiths Valution for Achil, which you can see here:

    Here's what I found for Sraheens:

    Kilbane         Bridget          Sraheens, Achill     Mayo
    Kilbane         James            Sraheens, Achill     Mayo
    Kilbane         Patrick          Sraheens, Achill     Mayo

    My guess is that they are all related, and that Bridget is a widow & Kilbane is her married name. Since Griffiths Valuation was a survey of heads of households and women would usually only be heads of households if they were widows.

    I don't know if the Kilbanes you listed were brothers or could be cousins.  I'd suggest you keep researching them all, and see if you can establish a pattern or other connections.

    Kilcummin Mayo

    Tuesday 23rd Sep 2014, 02:54PM

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