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Good Evening,

My 3rd Great Grandparents (maternal) Michael Hanlon and Bridget Wade were married in Darver, Louth on Jan 11, 1833. I only know that they had two sons: Patrick b. 1833 in Darver and Thomas b. 1834 in Darver. The latter, I believe, died shortly afterwards. The three eventually emigrated to Coatbridge, Scotland. I think it was after 1841 because I can’t find them in the 1841 Scotland Census. I was wondering if I could be overlooking other offspring, though.

I have a death certificate from Scotland for Michael Hanlon that lists his parents as Thomas Hanlon and Catherine Wade. Bridget Hanlon’s Scottish death certificate lists parents Lawrence Wade and Mary Murphy. I haven’t been able to find Irish birth records for either Michael or Bridget and so I am unable to confirm the parents of each. Is there any way I can find their birth/baptismal records?

The marriage record for Bridget and Michael has a witness, Pat Wade; the baptismal record for Thomas Hanlon in September, 1834 lists one of the godparents as Peter Wade. 

There’s a baptismal record in 1812 for a Peter Wade (parents Lau Wade and Jane Dumott) in Darver. There’s a baptismal record in 1809 for a Margaret Wade (parents Laur Wade and Jane McDermott) in Darver. I am wondering if they got it wrong on Bridget’s death certificate and her mother is McDermott?

And finally, it would be great to know if there are Wades and Hanlons that are still there that didn’t emigrate. 

thank you,



Tuesday 1st May 2018, 01:34AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Laura

    I searched on a few subscription sites and found no more children to Michael and Bridgit, oddly Thomas appears to be baptised on 17th September 1834 and on the 17th October 1834, this turns up on two subscription sites and appears to be linked to two different entries, same parents, are you familiar with this free site, probably feel you need Specsavers to adjust to the writing, you can only search by BMD and year and month and then start reading, not an easy task but you can read it, I see a Mary Murray stands for Pat or I take it to be Murray, have a look. 

    I did not look at the marriage you mention, the register for Thomas says they resided at Coolfed but I am unable to locate it using Townlands. However I see it on Google maps, near Readypenny on road from Ardee to Dundalk, so fairly exact location. Hanlon is a common surname in Louth, the name is of the local chieftain back in history so plentiful. For relatives you might try Louth Genealogy Facebook page, it tends not to be great at that remove when only church records are available but may turn up someone as it is still a rural area, here is a site about Louth Michael and Bridgits parents would have lived around the time of the Wild Goose Lodge Murders, read on the site previous. There is also a book and Netflix movie on it, filmed about 5 years ago locally. Fairly tragic and brutal story in case you like to avoid that stuff.

    I think you would be fairly safe going with McDermott as the name as I never heard the other name, however I am often wrong and take nothing for granted since I came across the names Gooseberry (yes a surname) and Thickpenny. Good names for research though.

    On the Louth site I see a Wade at Glyde Farm, near enough Readypenny, again on Google maps but I am sure there are many Wades judging by the 34 hits on that site.


    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 1st May 2018, 11:31PM
  • Dear Pat,

    Thank you so much for your prompt and most thorough reply. I should have told you that I was looking for a Gooseberry (just kidding!)

    I will look into your suggestions such as the parish registers and the FB page. This gives me more to think about and I really appreciate the knowledge and history about the area.

    I am in Canada and hope to be able to visit your beautiful country at some point - definitely on my bucket list!




    Wednesday 2nd May 2018, 11:28PM
  • Laura

    if you ever get into the bucket list and need any information on travel or transport I live about 25 miles from there and can give you some sites for same or hotels, places to see etc. 

    Some months back I was mailing a gentle man in New Brunswick, St. John and it turned out there was a book written in 1990 about migration from the Cooley Peninsula (East and North of Dundalk, whereas your people are mainly west of Dundalk) but it concerned around the 1820s to 1830s. Have forgotten the name (old age) it is out of print but available in the library here apparently.

    Good Luck,


    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Saturday 5th May 2018, 10:32PM
  • Hello Laura,

    Don't know if this is what you are looking for , but I have  the father of... Michael  Hanlin 1805-1887 as  Thomas Hanlin born 1780.

    His mother Ann Hanlan, born McGinnis.


    Bridget Hanlan, 1803-1860 born Wade. Father ..Lawrence Wade 1780.

    Mother,.... Mary Wade born Murphy

    Regards Rab



    Monday 18th Jun 2018, 06:04PM




    Hi Rab,

    Do you know what source shows Michael Hanlon’s mother as Ann McGinnis? The only thing I have is his death certificate and I am sure it’s wrong because it says his mother was Catherine Wade. Wade was his wife’s maiden name and it’s likely a reporting error common to death certs.

    Thank you for your reply.



    Saturday 7th Jul 2018, 01:24AM

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