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I am seeking information on the Sands family, Bernard Sands born Ireland about 1810, and his wife Elizabeth Crane, whom immigrated to the US around 1830.  They lived in Stapleton, Richmond County, New York.  I do not know were in Ireland they were from.  I found many Sands in Newry, Co. Down, but no sure connection. Also found Bernard Sands in Ballyholland, Newry, Co. Louth; Moorland, Dundalk, Co. Louth; Lambtown, Mapastown, Co. Louth.  I found a marriage of a Bernard Sands to Rose Duffy in Darver, Louth on January 13, 1809.  I hope this may be Bernard's parants. Any help in finding information will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.


Tuesday 15th Apr 2014, 04:43AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Again

    thanks for your prompt response to my email. The area of Darver is still very rural and only know because of Darver Castle and I am not very familiar with the area, below are some sites that may be of assistance and the Duffy name is used in County Meath which borders near there. There are 13 Sands listed in Griffiths Valuation of 1854 in Louth most in the Ardee; Dundalk area, some of these with the same name may be the same person listed twice for different land holdings. There is also a map showing the area. The Sands are listed as both landlords and tenants. There is only 1 Sands listed in the Tithe Applottments in Louth in 1834 in Roche which is a few miles away, Louth itself is only about 40 miles long and less than 20 wide as the smallest county in Ireland but it is more densely populated.

    Records before the time you give are rare hence the reliance on lists of people like in the site emailed to you. You cold try the Flax Growers List for 1796 to see if any listed.

    Only records available are Church Records and they did not start at the same time in each area but Church of Ireland tend to be better, that is Protestant and theyare also slowly putting graves on line if your ancestors were Protestant. I have previously made up the info below.

    The Irish Census of 1901 and 1911 are available online at and the default census is 1911.

    Griffiths Valuation of property owners and tenants is available at and is only the head of household and was done between the 1847 and 1864 the year of publication is given on the information and it includes small area map.

    The tithe applotments were carried out between 1823 and 1837 and are only of landholders of 1 acre and more who were registered to pay a tax to the Church of Ireland and the divisions are of their parishes, urban dwellers are not included. See

    The Flax Growers List of 1796 is available at This is just a list of farmers who agreed to grow flax at the time. This site also contains the Hearth Money Roll lists of the 1660s for some counties (not all counties available). This site also contains other information mainly for the Cork area.

    For County Louth see and for the Termonfeckin area see

    Two subscription sites are and

    Irish civil records only commenced in 1864 but Protestant marriages commenced in 1845.

    Church records go back to the early 1800s for Catholics and a few decades earlier for the Church of Ireland (Protestant).

    The Family Search website is free and has detailed information but I find it can be difficult to use but here it is

    Please revert if you have any questions.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Thursday 17th Apr 2014, 11:57PM

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