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Searching for any record of Patrick Boyle. Possibly born in Carlingforth in 1826.  Married Roseanna McGee also possibly from Carlingforth. Migrated to the United States, possibly before 1850.  Father of Patrick Boyle may have been Peter Boyle.


Any Boyles recognize any of these ancestors of mine?


Thank you,


Thursday 19th Jun 2014, 06:34AM

Message Board Replies

  • Mark:

    I assume your family was RC. The RC records for Carlingford parish do not start until 1835. However, Cooley parish records in South Carlingford go back to 1811. Roots Ireland has an 1824 baptismal record for a Patrick Boyle in the Cooley RC records, however, when I entered Peter as his father's name the record went away which means that the father was other than Peter for this record.

    I further checked the 1833 Tithe Applotment listing for Carlingford parish and found 63 Boyle entries including five Peter entries although there could be some dups. Since the name Boyle is so common in the parish the 1824 baptismal record above is probably not your Patrick.  

    The 1854 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Carlingford parish shows many Boyle entries including a couple Peters. I recognize that Patrick had left.

    There were no McGee records but 11 Magee entries.

    Finally, Roots did not have a marriage record for Patrick Boyle and a Mcgee or Magee.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 19th Jun 2014, 04:31PM
  • Roger,

    I am grateful to you for the thorough and amazingly prompt response! I was expecting my post to languish a few months and then be answered by a single sentence.   I appreciate your help checking the information, it makes clear to me which leads I have that are incorrect or incomplete.

    I need to go back to my source material here to see where I went wrong.  When I have more information or more complete information, I will return again.

    Thank you!


    Friday 20th Jun 2014, 05:59AM
  • Hi Mark

    some information which may be of interest on these sites so for Carlingford see I have noticed the gallery on this site is sometimes down but it will be of interest, for Louth history and lists of people see a very good site and of McGee interest in case you were not aware of possible famous ancestor relation see

    My wife has Magee ancestors in Carlingford but not relation to above as far as we know but she has not done that side of her tree.

    Enjoy hte read anyway.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 16th Jul 2014, 10:06PM

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