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I just returned from a trip to Ireland and visited Moydow the place of birth for my Great Grandmother Annie Farrell.  A wonderful gentleman Hugh Farrell was kind enough to drive us to Moydow and I got to visit St. Mary's Church and light a candle for all my family.  I believe my G Grandmother was born in Moydow and I'm pretty sure she was Baptized a Catholic there and perhaps even in that church?.  Her parents (John Farrell and Mary nee Dunn Farrell both died and Annie and her sisters were sent to Newforbestown to the Industrial School.  I have records from the school verifying their attendance.  I have been unable to locate either of her parents and wonder if there are church records from St. Mary's that may help in my search.  Annie entered the Industrial school in 1880, so I'm thinking her mother must have died then.  My grandmother told me that Annie father died of TB and that her mother couldn't support the family and sent the girls to school but I'm not sure if their were brothers.  According to the papers from the Industrial School both her parents were dead in 1880, which is the date she and her sisters were enrolled in the school..  

Any assistance in helping me locate the next generation of grandparents would be greatly appreciated.  As a footnote, I wanted to say that Annie and her sisters did well in America and my G Grandmother raised 5 children on her own after her husband died at the age of 40.  She did laundray for a living and lived to a ripe old age.

I was so glad that St Mary's Church was open and I got to sit in there and say a pray.

Friday 17th Apr 2015, 03:52PM

Message Board Replies

  • Mary:

    Anne Farrell was baptized in 1869 in the RC church in Longford town. The current church and likely the church in 1869 is St. Mel's which is the Cathedral seat of the Diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise. (The Cathedral was burned down on Christmas Day 2009 and rebuilt five years later).

    I got this info from the Roots Ireland indexes. Parents were shown as John Farrell and Mary Dunn.

    John and Mary were married in 1863 in the Edgeworthstown RC church.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 17th Apr 2015, 11:17PM
  • Hi Roger,

    I replied to your post last night but I don't see it.  I'm very new to Ireland Reaching Out and I'm thinking I somehow didn't get the replied posted correctly.  Did you recived my reply post>




    Saturday 18th Apr 2015, 03:43PM
  • Hi Roger,

    I replied to your post last night but I don't see it.  I'm very new to Ireland Reaching Out and I'm thinking I somehow didn't get the replied posted correctly.  Did you recived my reply post>




    Saturday 18th Apr 2015, 03:43PM
  • Hi Roger,

    I replied to your post last night but I don't see it.  I'm very new to Ireland Reaching Out and I'm thinking I somehow didn't get the replied posted correctly.  Did you recived my reply post>




    Saturday 18th Apr 2015, 03:43PM
  • Mary:

    No, I did not get your post. The web site has been acting up. We are expecting the rollout of a new web site by the end of the month.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 18th Apr 2015, 04:56PM
  • Hi Roger,

    I thought I had replied to your post but received a message that it was not delivered and I’m not sure why?

    Anyway, Thank you so much for the information you provided.  I have a question for you but I’m not sure you will know the answer.  My Great Grandmother was born in Moydow in 1869 and while in Ireland last month I visited the RC Church St. Mary in Moydow.  The church was from 1836 and I was wondering if my G Grandmother might have been baptized in that Church instead of St. Mel’s as you suggested. 

    I did visit the newly built St. Mel’s Church and the local gentleman showing us around Longford said that all the church records were in the basement of the church and got burnt up.

    My question is, is there I place I can write for my Great Grandmother’s baptism certificate to see if she was baptized at St. Mary’s instead of St. Mel’s.

    Thank you so much for any help.



    Wednesday 6th May 2015, 03:06AM
  • Hi Roger,

    I thought I had replied to your post but received a message that it was not delivered and I’m not sure why?

    Anyway, Thank you so much for the information you provided.  I have a question for you but I’m not sure you will know the answer.  My Great Grandmother was born in Moydow in 1869 and while in Ireland last month I visited the RC Church St. Mary in Moydow.  The church was from 1836 and I was wondering if my G Grandmother might have been baptized in that Church instead of St. Mel’s as you suggested. 

    I did visit the newly built St. Mel’s Church and the local gentleman showing us around Longford said that all the church records were in the basement of the church and got burnt up.

    My question is, is there I place I can write for my Great Grandmother’s baptism certificate to see if she was baptized at St. Mary’s instead of St. Mel’s.

    Thank you so much for any help.



    Wednesday 6th May 2015, 03:07AM
  • Hi Roger,

    I thought I had replied to your post but received a message that it was not delivered and I’m not sure why?

    Anyway, Thank you so much for the information you provided.  I have a question for you but I’m not sure you will know the answer.  My Great Grandmother was born in Moydow in 1869 and while in Ireland last month I visited the RC Church St. Mary in Moydow.  The church was from 1836 and I was wondering if my G Grandmother might have been baptized in that Church instead of St. Mel’s as you suggested. 

    I did visit the newly built St. Mel’s Church and the local gentleman showing us around Longford said that all the church records were in the basement of the church and got burnt up.

    My question is, is there I place I can write for my Great Grandmother’s baptism certificate to see if she was baptized at St. Mary’s instead of St. Mel’s.

    Thank you so much for any help.



    Wednesday 6th May 2015, 03:07AM

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