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Hello, I am new to the community. I am an American of Irish descent, trying to fill  in the many blank spots in my ancestry. I have evidence that one grandmother was born in Drumlish in 1844. Her name was Sarah Jordan, daughter of Patrick Jordan and Elizabeth Gray. Sarah died in New York in 1936.  I visited Drumlish last August, went to graveyards, did not find any exact matches. Sarah married my grandfather, Michael J. Tansy, who was also Irish and presumed from County Longford. I do not know if they met and/or married in Ireland or in New York. Anyone with any information on the Jordan, Tansy or Gray surnames from the area will be treasured. 

Saturday 5th Mar 2016, 10:26PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Gina

    I couldn't find Sara but this looks like a sibling (baptism record from (with an interesting note at the end)

    Name:Mary Jordan

    Date of Birth:
    Date of Baptism:19-Sep-1841

    Address:Not Recorded

    Parish/District:DRUMLISHGender:FemaleCountyCo. Longford
    Denomination:Roman Catholic
    Father:Patrick JordanMother:Elizabeth GreyOccupation:Not Recorded
    Sponsor 1 /
    Informant 1:James BohanSponsor 2 /
    Informant 2:Anna Bohan



    I couldn't find a marriage record for the parents - perhaps they were ahead of their time.

    I couldn't find a Michael Tansy baptism in Longford but there are lots from other counties.

    There are no Tansy burial records from Drumlish but there are 24 Jordans in Drumlish RC parish (1836 to 1887); not one of the 24 has the name of the graveyard or informant!!

    There are 11 Greys & 2 Grays in Drumlish RC parish burials but only 1 has a cemetery name: Keeltycreevagh (also spelt Kiltycrevagh)




    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 6th Mar 2016, 01:57AM
  • Oh my goodness, this is amazing! Thank you so much! Please tell me who you are. This is wonderful.

    Sunday 6th Mar 2016, 05:03PM
  • Glad to be of help Gina.

    My name is Col Cafferky; I am a volunteer on the site. There  are 3 of us who answer most of the posts.

    I live in Safety Beach north of Woolgoolga & Coffs Harbour in New South Wales Australia.

    I have Irish ancestry (from Achill, (Mayo) & Galway), my partner is Irish & we have 2 of our 4 children moving to Ireland - one to Cork & 1 to Dublin! 



    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 7th Mar 2016, 09:51PM
  • Again thanks so much. This new clue is taking me on new paths. I never knew about any siblings of my great grandma Sarah.  Interesting note that the priest felt the need to jot down that she was illegitimate. I am sure that she and her parents were made to suffer horribly for that fact. I made a similar discovery one generation down. Sarah´s son, my grandpa, had a previously unknown (to my part of the family) first wife, all the while making many babies with my grandma. I found her on a census record in New York. He had two households about a mile apart. He didn´t marry my gran until the first wife was dead, and shortly after disappeared. The skeletons are coming out of the closets.   Nice to connect with you all the way over the ocean in Australia. My Irish people went to New York, my father then migrated out to the west coast of the US where I was raised, and now I live in Mexico.  We are so lucky to live in a time when we can communicate with each other so easily. Have a great day!

    Tuesday 8th Mar 2016, 05:13PM

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