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Looking for relatives:

John Joseph (Joe) O'Connor, b. 1877 Caherburg; father: John O'Connor, b. 1935 Ballybeg, Kerry (?); mother: Margaret (Peg) Lenihan, b. 1844 Mountcollins (?)

1918 WWI US Draft Registration in Washington, DC, lists Helen Cahill (Boston, Massachusetts) as nearest relative.

1920 Residing on M Street, NW, Washington, DC

1922(?) Married Cora Kinnison, b. Pennsylvania; 2 chidren, Margaret (Peggy), b. 1923, John Kinnison, b. 1924

1930 died, Washington, DC

Margaret Lenihan could be daughter of Thomas and Kate Mahoney

John O'Connor could be son of Philip and Mary Donohue.

Any info or data to confirm families, relationships, etc. would be most welcome.


Pat O'Connor


Thursday 17th Jul 2014, 06:35PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Pat

    I see from your previous post the search seems to be concentrating in Abbeyfeale. I hope you will be able to further your research

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 22nd Jul 2014, 11:40AM
  • Clare:

    Mountcollins seems to be at the center of the search and links, but Tournafulla, Abbeyfeale and Newcastle in Limerick, and Brosna in Kerry are also ln the mix.  My effort at present is to reach out to any and all who have or had relatives in the overall general area, and whose lineage includes any of the families/clans that are showing up in my tree branches.

    The top 2 are o'connor and lenihan, but cahill, o'connell, donahue, fitzgerald, heffernan, leahy are also high on the list.  


    Pat O'Connor


    Tuesday 22nd Jul 2014, 01:09PM

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