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We are arriving in Askeaton late Sunday 13th September and we have 2 nights there, before going to Cobh Harbour for a night. We are meeting someone locally having contacted them through your message board.

Our McCarthy-Reidy Ancestors:

This is the only thing we can find out about the family - this is all that was on the shipping list which stated “Natives of Co Limerick”

Michael McCarthy was 30 & Eliza Reidy his wife was 27, Michael was a gardener, and as most of the passengers on

the “Aliquis” were from the Shanagolden area, we often wondered if Michael was a gardener in that area.

People who have done research for me are quite sure they were Catholics early on, probably married as, but possibly changed to Protestant during later 1820’s.

The children on shipping list 1839 Australia , Mary 13, Thomas 12, Cath 9, Ellen 6.


Judy McCartney


Friday 14th Aug 2015, 08:45AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Judy

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I have passed this to our Shanagolden Volunteer

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 14th Aug 2015, 08:58AM
  • Hi Judy,

    This is a tough one!! I cannot find a single tree on that has Michael McCarthy and Elizabeth Reidy in it! And when I Google [mccarthy +reidy], I find nothing either.

    • I checked West Limerick Families Abroad, also with no results.
    • Poverty to Promise: The Monteagle Emigrants, no results.
    • The 1894 Matheson's Report of Surnames in Ireland shows 498 McCarthy births, over half of them in counties Limerick and Kerry
    • Matheson's Report shows 49 Reidy births, the majority in Cork and Kerry
    • Other spellings for McCarthy: McCarty
    • Other spellings for Reidy: Ready, Reddy, Reedy.

    The Roman Catholic church rcds are now online at My only suggestion is for you to look through the Shanagolden parish rcds for the births of the children, Catherine and Ellen. The baptismal rcds may give you the name of a townland.

    I will ask the Ireland Reaching Out team in Shanagolden if they know of any McCarthy or Reidy families in the area. Other than this, I am out of ideas for you.

    I have had great success talking to the Postmistress of the townlands that my people came from. She knows everyone in town, and lots of times, how they are related to each other.

    I wish you a great trip to Ireland.

    Best wishes,

    Patti Hacht

    Kilcolman & Shanagolden Parish Liaison


    Shanagolden Limerick

    Sunday 16th Aug 2015, 06:58PM
  • Shanagolden Limerick

    Sunday 16th Aug 2015, 06:59PM

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