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I am searching for John Bernard and Anne Stritch. They had three girls and four boys. The first five were named Mary 1731 - 1752; Isaac 1734 - 1812; Robert 1735 - 1804; William 1737 -    ; John 1739 -    ;

and then two girls. one born in 1741 and the second in 1743.

I believe I am a descendant of the second one born in 1743.  There is a possibility her father changed his surname to Bernard.   Help.. Irma Bernard Pryce

Wednesday 12th Feb 2014, 01:22AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Irma,

    The civil registration of births began in Ireland in 1864.  Church registration began some years earlier with most Roman Catholic parishes beginning about 1830 or so.  Some later some earlier.

    The Church of Ireland record began in some places around 1750 or so.   If you are really lucky you may find some records.  Were your ancestors Catholic or Protestant?

    Try looking at  (a free government website that covers Co. Kerry  and you could also try

    You are so lucky to have traced these people back that far.  I know of many who wish they could go back as far as the 1700's.

    Good Luck with your search,

    Anne Dennehy

    Thursday 13th Feb 2014, 04:11PM

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