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My father and I are searching for marriage records for James Donnelly and Bridget Fallahee around 1830-34. We suspect they were married in Kilscannon parish. We also search for the birth record of Michael Donnelly born 1835. We think he was born in Rathskeale parish. My Greatgreatgreat grandfather!  Thank you. PS I will be in the area on December 7-8 and will visit Rathskeale. Thanks. Sincerely, Kathryn Donnelly. 

Saturday 6th Dec 2014, 02:35AM

Message Board Replies

  • Kathryn:

    I just checked the Roots Ireland indexes and could not locate the baptismal record for Michael or the marriage record for James and Bridget. The Rathkeale records are on the data base from 1831 on.

    Not sure if your heard the announcement earlier this week by the National Library. Next summer they plan to have the individual RC parish records on line for searching. You can then go into the Rathkeale RC records and look for your ancestors records for free. Go to our main page and look at the Press and Media info tab at the upper left.

    Enjoy your stay in Ireland!

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 6th Dec 2014, 04:23PM
  • Thank you so much for checking - so quickly!  That's great news about the national library records. They keep getting more and more online. We will keep looking. Thanks again. Kathryn Donnelly

    Saturday 6th Dec 2014, 08:11PM
  • Re FALLAHEE:  I'm searching for my ancestor's family. He was JOHN FALLAHEE b. 1789 in Rathkeale. Joined the 100th Regiment of Foot in the Napoleanic War and came to Canada in 1805. He married Ellen Burns, also from Ireland, and settled in Canada. It is said that John was Protestant. I'd greatly appreciate any information about the FALLAHEE family or even any directions for further searching.  Please answer me here or write me at Thank you so much!


    Thursday 21st Jul 2016, 08:17PM
  • Karen:

    Welcome to ireland Reaching Out!

    The Church of Ireland records for Rathkeale go way back and are available on Roots Ireland which is a subscription site. They have John Fallahee baptismal records in the 1780s but none in Rathkeale C of I. You would also need his parents names to confirm any record located. 

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 25th Jul 2016, 04:38PM
  • Thanks so much Roger for replying. I'll have a look at Roots Ireland. Unfortunately I don't know John FALLAHEE's parents. In fact, that's what I want to know. It's such a difficult search! If you have any more suggestions I'd appreciate knowing them.

    Monday 1st Aug 2016, 05:06PM

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