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Looking for information on Richard Bourke married to Margaret Cullen

  • Children Edmond Born 9 May 1833 and Mary

Also, is this Richard Bourke related to Richard Bourke of Murroe born in 1815 Murroe.



david brown

Saturday 14th Jul 2012, 08:51PM

Message Board Replies

  • No marriage record for Richard (1)and Mgt -5 Children found

    Mary -02 Sept 1829 Sp-------------/-----------------------

    Mgt- 01 nov 1830 Sp John Hayes and Anty Bourke

    Edmund- 09 May 1833 Sp -----------/Mary O'Brien

    Hanora 07 Feb 1835 Sp Mrs Ellen O'Brien/John Ryan

    William 19 Apr 1837 Sp Kitty Hickey /Henry Ryan 


    I sure they that all the bourkes in Murroe records are related in some way , but it would be hard enough to map it all ou as records dont go back far enough to see where it all began.  

    I dnt see a direct connection between Richard(1) and Richard(2) born 1815  it is possible that Richard(1) was a brother or cousin to Richard(2) father but it would be hard enough to prove i would say.




    Sunday 15th Jul 2012, 11:42AM
  • Hi Aine

    When you say there is no Marriage liscence does that mean there is no record at all, ie lost, burned etc...? Or it just has been recorded for research.


    Thanks Again for all of your help.

    david brown

    Sunday 15th Jul 2012, 03:19PM
  • There is just no record of there marriage in Murroe 

    1. but could possibly be found in another parish 
    2. It may be likely that the bride may be from a neighbouring parish and they got married there
    3. It could also be that it was written down in the original or that there was mistakes in the transcribing!

    Tuesday 17th Jul 2012, 12:05PM

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