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My great grandfather William Kirby came to Victoria Australia with 6 of his 8 siblings on the "Amazon" in 1855. He and all his siblings were baptised in Murroe-Boher. Their father Philip Kirby was a farmer, and perhaps a landowner as the family paid their own way to Australia. I am thinking their father must have died at the time and that their mother Mary nee Blake had remarried someone of surname Hughes... but that's a convluted story and maninlly fascinating to me and my genealogical musings!

I am pkeased to see Margi on this site- an hour or two before me- and there was I thinking she was the culprit. Greetings to you are your Kirby clan in the UK!

I would LOVE to connect with anyone regarding this intriguing get together in 2013. And if the dates are good- I may even be able to entice my sister and my son to make the journey! 

It moves me to think that never in my great grandfather's imagination could such a link be made- and oh how I iwsh I could call up his ghost and ask him the million questions that circle my mind- over and over and over again!

Cheers to you all, people of fellow soil,

Margaret Kirby

Margaret Kirby

Thursday 22nd Mar 2012, 11:46AM

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  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! Have you learned any more about the above?


    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 29th Sep 2015, 02:23PM

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