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My great grandfather William Kirby came to Victoria Australia with 6 of his 8 siblings on the "Amazon" in 1855. He and all his siblings were baptised in Murroe-Boher. Their father Philip Kirby was a farmer, and perhaps a landowner as the family paid their own way to Australia. I am thinking their father must have died at the time and that their mother Mary nee Blake had remarried someone of surname Hughes... but that's a convluted story and maninlly fascinating to me and my genealogical musings!

I am pkeased to see Margi on this site- an hour or two before me- and there was I thinking she was the culprit. Greetings to you are your Kirby clan in the UK!

I would LOVE to connect with anyone regarding this intriguing get together in 2013. And if the dates are good- I may even be able to entice my sister and my son to make the journey! 

It moves me to think that never in my great grandfather's imagination could such a link be made- and oh how I iwsh I could call up his ghost and ask him the million questions that circle my mind- over and over and over again!

Cheers to you all, people of fellow soil,

Margaret Kirby

Margaret Kirby

Thursday 22nd Mar 2012, 11:46AM

Message Board Replies

  • Thanks to everybody connected with this great site.

    Good to see that a few of my relatives have also joined up, as well as Margaret, the Oz Kirby fellow researcher too.. We coud well be looking for the same family.

    My grandfather was JAMES KIRBY, born in 1857 in the parish of Donoughmore, County Limerick. He married MARY HARTNETT, born in 1850 in Murroe, the daughter of the village tailor.Mary Hartnett was the subject of the famous ballad, 'Mary from Murroe'.

    I have the basic details of both James and Mary, but I am stuck in finding which of four is my great-grandfather. He was a JOHN KIRBY, whose mother, I believe, died when he was quite young and there was a remarriage. I found four John KIRBYs in the area, with possible matching timelines, but have no idea how to pin down MY one. I have more detail of this, but not immediately to hand, so I will post again later.

    Every best wish to the site developers and contributors, who are all doing an amazing job IMHO.


    Thursday 22nd Mar 2012, 03:48PM
  • The only record found of my 3rd greatgrandmother Sarah Griffin (who married George Rowles of Clonteen, Cappamore, to date is this record where she was sponsor of a child at baptism:

    BAPTISMS_MURROE AND BOHER (parish adjoins Cappamore) 14.01.1845 Patrick-son of William Kirby/Bridget O'Brien; sponsor .. Sarah Griffin.

    Her family all emigrated to USA about 5 years later.

    Ann Lamb

    Thursday 5th Apr 2012, 11:08PM
  • Hi Margi

    You would have to post a message on the Donoughmore page of this website they would be better able to find info on your Kirbys.  I dont know if you want more info on the harnett side and I can look in the records if you do not already have the info.



    Wednesday 18th Jul 2012, 10:03AM

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