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Can you please determine if there is a family connection between these two Bourkes.

  • John Bourke Born/Bapt 18 June 1833 Murroe &Boher
  • Richard Bourke Born/Bapt 2 June 1855 Murroe & Boher

Thanks so much!

david brown

Sunday 1st Jul 2012, 03:34PM

Message Board Replies

  • John Born 1833 to Michael and Winifred Ryan mar 1839

    Richard born 1855 to Richard and Mary Byrne mar 1844

    I dont see a direct connection right now 

    as i said in another of the messages you would have to map out all the Bourke records in murroe and then you might be able to see the connections between all the families.





    Sunday 15th Jul 2012, 11:50AM
  • Hi Aine


    Can you tell me if this Richard Bourke who was born 0n 2 June 1855 had any children?



    david brown

    Sunday 15th Jul 2012, 05:54PM
  • Hey 

    I found one possibility for Richard there is a marriage record  for a

     Richard Bourke and Anne McCormack 17 Feb 1886 - no children baptised to them in Murroe  perhaps they immigrated

    Wednesday 18th Jul 2012, 10:22AM

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