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Anne Noble born Enniskillen  11 Feb 1839

Father:  Thomas Noble

Mother:  Jane Somerville

Migrated to Paisley Scotland around 1844 -50

Anne married Daniel Cunningham & then migrated to Australia

Any help would be appreciated


jan Hopkins

Monday 25th Feb 2013, 03:05AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Jan,

    As you ancestors were born in Northern Ireland you are one of the lucky ones.  All your records would be under the United Kingdom and you will have census records to peruse for Northern Ireland and Scotland.  You'll probably have to do it through findmypast or ancestry but at least there will be records there.

    All census records and many more in the Republic of Ireland  were destroyed in a fire in 1922, so have pity for all those folks trying to trace ancestors on this side of the border.

    All the best in your search,

    Anne Dennehy

    Monday 25th Feb 2013, 10:51AM
  • Thanks Anne

    Will try that avenue.



    jan Hopkins

    Monday 25th Feb 2013, 12:19PM

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