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I am looking for information on my great grandfather - LAWRENCE ERNEST CAREW JNR - and his father, my great-great-great grandfather, also LAWRENCE ERNEST CAREW SNR - who was born in 1860.  I am unsure as to whom Lawrence Snr was married to and how many children they had in total.

I am desperately trying to trace my Irish heritage back from here.  Apparently our CAREW branch of the family came from BRUREE.

Lawrence Ernest Carew Jnr married Gladys May Tucker (from Kent, England). 

[Apparently Gladys had a cousin called AGNES LILIAN CAREW COLLYNS.  She was an actress and singer in London, South Africa and Australia in 1890's and early 1900's. She claims to be from Devonshire. Also claims to be cousin of Gen. Pole-Carew.]

Lawrence Ernest Jnr and Gladys May emigrated to South Africa at some point, but had the following 7 children inbetween:

1.  Lawrence

2.  Ralph

3.  Tim

4.  Michael I

5.  Norah

6.  Pat

7.  ** Gladys Rosemary Doris Minnie (born in the Borough of Finsbury, England, in 1934) - my grandmother.


Gladys married a South African - Hendrik Christoffel Kleyn - in November of 1952.  They had several children together.  I am the daughter of one of their children.  I was given up for adoption at birth and am desperately trying to piece together my heritage.


Please contact me if you have any information.  It would be greatly appreciated.

Ilse Byrne


Tuesday 12th Feb 2013, 11:58AM

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