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I am looking for any record of Martin O'Grady and his wife Mary Casey who lived in Tipperary/Limerick in the 1800s. Their sons John (b. 1814) and Patrick worked in Limerick as Blacksmiths before emigrating to Australia and the US respectively. They could be from both counties as on John's passenger list he listed as being from Tipperary but working in Limerick. I cannot find any record for with Mary or Martin in with county, I have checked,, and

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Friday 2nd May 2014, 11:35AM

Message Board Replies

  • Morning

    I have just replied to your previous message about your O'Grady ancestors. Please let us know how you are getting on with your search

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 7th May 2014, 10:43AM

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