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My name is Frances Pikok nee Russell and I am looking for any living family members from the Sexton family that came from Limerick, Ireland.


I descend from George Sexton around 1632 and wife Katherine ..  George is the son of James Sexton also of Limerick.






Sunday 31st Aug 2014, 05:27PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Frances

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    I see that another poster may be able to provide a possible connection. Let us know if you learn anything new. The period of your search is very early so that poster may be able to bring your research along even further.

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 9th Sep 2014, 12:05PM
  • Thanks Mrs. Doyle for your reply.

    So far no new leads.  I am just hoping someone might be able to help me find some living family of the Sexton line.  I have been reading up on the name and it said that it is a very old Limerick family.  When I was visiting Limerick back in June we drove past a law firm with the name .. so I am still holding on to luck.


    Thanks again


    Tuesday 9th Sep 2014, 12:54PM

    Hello Frances

    My name is Cori and I am a descendant of the Sextons from Limerick. I live in Colorado and will be visiting Ireland soon. I was trying to find which places I should visit on Limerick for more information on my family when I found your post. 





    Friday 16th Mar 2018, 04:06PM
  • I'm a descendant of Mayor Edmond Sexton of Limerick. I am located in Chattanooga, Tennessee and have many family in Georgia. Lots of my Sexton descendants are in Ireland, Scotland and England it seems.


    Saturday 5th Jan 2019, 02:37AM
  • Hi Frances I am Kevin sexton and I am living in limerick

    Wednesday 13th Nov 2019, 07:24PM
  • Hello All, 

    I too am a descendant of Morris Sexton and his son Edmond Sexton of Limerick. Allegedly a family member had to escape Ireland as a "religious fugitive" and ended up in the American Colonies.  My grandmother Tera Sexton lived in Kentucky then Ohio after marrying my grandfather Paul Hettinger. I am very curious to learn more about any family still in Limerick today. 


    Rita Hettinger



    Wednesday 20th Nov 2019, 05:23PM
  • I realize this is years old but I ended up on this post because I am a direct descendant of Morris Sexton et all and plan on visiting Limerick in the spring of 2020. I was born and raised in New Mexico but my family has always held onto our Irish roots with great pride.
    ~Christy Sexton

    Wednesday 27th Nov 2019, 12:23AM
  • Hello All,

    My name is Matthew Sexton of Tolland Connecticut and I believe that Cori in the above post is my second cousin! 
    Cori's father David (my first cousin) has visited Limerick and done extensive research of the Sexton's there and the history. My family and I will be traveling to Limerick this April 2020. If any Sextons would like to join us, please feel free to reach out. 



    Friday 27th Dec 2019, 11:54PM
  • Matthew Sexton here again. Please check out this article on Edward Sexton. Mayor of Limerick.

    Friday 27th Dec 2019, 11:58PM
  • Friday 27th Dec 2019, 11:58PM
  • I think my father is related to the Sextons of Limerick, his father is Matthew Sexton and his mother was Annie, Annie's family owned a farm which is now a Sainsbury's I believe.  Annie is buried in the cemetary on Ennis Road Limerick where I also think Matthew is buried, he died in the 60's, its near St Camillis Hospital where she lived prior to her death in 1986.  Matthew and Annie had 2 sons Cornelius (now deceased) and Christopher.  Conelius went to America and joined the forces before coming to England where he settled in Cubbington, Royal Leamington Spa.  My Dad Christopher came to England in 1954 and lived in Leamington and Tile Hill before settling with my Mother in the Willenhall area of Coventry.  I remember Dad mentioning the Mayor who was a Sexton, from what I recall they may have been related.  My Dad is still alive and nearly 86, he told me Frank McCourt (Angela's Ashes Book & Film ) was a close friend of Cornelius and they all lived in the lanes as shown in the film and were very poor.   Its very hard to get detailed information about the life they had in Ireland, because it was really bad and he gets quite irrated if we try to get him to talk about it.  There was a lady in the area they lived called Auntie Lizzie, she knew everything and everyone, sorry I don't know her full name but if you could find her family they would more than likely have a lot of information, she may have been a McNamara by marriage.  It was Auntie Lizzie that got a message to me through the McNarmara's in Coventry UK, to let us know Sainburys wanted to buy the farm, that was around 25 - 30 years ago.  Sadly my Nan and Grandad never benefitted from the farm sale as they were both dead by the time it was sold.  

    Friday 23rd Oct 2020, 08:20PM
  • Soory forgeot to put my name to that post, I am Catherine Harris

    Friday 23rd Oct 2020, 08:21PM

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