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I am researching John RYAN b.c. 1867 in Lough Gur, parents are John RYAN and Mary COFFEY (according to 1916 Chicago, Illinois, USA Death Certificate). 

My mother-in-law Eileen Berg WETTROTH met a man named Robert RYAN in the 1980's who lives in Bruff in the house originally owned by her RYAN relatives.  She must have sought out any RYANS near Lough Gur that she could find then and met this Robert RYAN. 

He invited her in and she saw an old photo on the wall that she recognized from her childhood in Chicago - it was of an older man (presumably the father), a young dainty girl (presumably daughter)  and an younger 20ish man in a priest's cassock (presumably son).  The young man was her maternal grandfather John RYAN who was known to have joined the priesthood but had to leave for some unknown reason.  Robert RYAN told her he didn't know anything about it really other than it came with the house when he bought it.

If anyone knows anything about any of these people or family, I would be greatful!!!


Kim Curlin Wettroth


Monday 2nd Apr 2012, 07:45PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Kim

    There was a Robert Ryan living in Bruff who died within the last decade I think. We can check that. My mother in law should have some more information on this family; I'll talk to her and come back to you.

    Mary O'Grady

    Wednesday 4th Apr 2012, 09:39PM
  • Update:

    I was given the infomation that the above John RYAN was born in Loughgur by my late mother-in-law [John RYAN's granddaughter though she never knew him.] She had always heard he was born in Loughgur, that he was supposed to be a priest but didn't make it, left for US. As usual, bits of truth, here and there!

    However, I recently found 1916 Obituary for the John W. RYAN mentioned above and it turns out that it was his sister "Mrs. Thomas RYAN" who was from "Longhgur [sic] castle." 


    Chicago Daily News

    Friday, Dec 29, 1916

    Chicago, IL

    Page:17; Column: 8


    RYAN - John, Dec. 26, at residence, 926 Hope st., husband of Bessie RYAN, father of John, William, Robert and Norene, brother of Mrs. Thomas RYAN of Longhgur [sic; Loughgur] castle: native of Baliyadam [sic; Ballyadam], County Limerick. Funeral from chapel, 1356 W. Madison st., Saturday, at 10 a.m., to St. Patrick's church, by autos to Mount Carmel; member of C.O.F., St. Ignatius court No. 18.


    1901 Census [Loughgur, Knockainy, Limerick, Ireland] - House 31: Thomas RYAN 59; wife Mary RYAN 50; single sons Michael 21, Robert 20, Thomas 17, Cornelius 15, Peter 12, Joseph 10

    1911 Census  [Loughgur, Knockainy, Limerick, Ireland] - House 37: Thomas RYAN 70; wife Mary RYAN 61; single sons Michael 31, Robert 30, Cornelius 24, Joseph 20

    I do not know anything about this Thomas RYAN family other than this. Would be interested to know what happened to this family.


    Kim Curlin Wettroth



    Sunday 14th Nov 2021, 06:33PM

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