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I am trying to find information about Pat Madigan born in Foynes 10 December 1917. His parents were Michael Madigan and Mary Costelloe and were married 28 Jan 1905 in Loughill, Shanagolden. In the 1911 census they are living in Foynes town. His grandfather, Thomas Costelloe, was born in Loughill around 1856. I have searched Ancestry, Irish Genealogy and Family Search but  apart from a birth record and several siblings (Thomas b 1905, Michael 1906, Bridget 1909, Mary 1911, John 1913 and Margaret 1913) I can find nothing.


Mike Fenn 

Tuesday 20th Jun 2017, 09:17AM

Message Board Replies

  • Mike:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Foynes is in Robertstown civil parish. We do not have a parish liaison for that parish but we have a parish liaison in a nearby parish and I will alert her to your message.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 20th Jun 2017, 04:08PM
  • Hello Mike, I am revisiting your request for information on your family line and I can give you some information here:

    Thosmas Costelloe was born in Loughill in 1856, I believe his parents were Patrick Costelloe and Maria Crinnane - who actually originated from Moyvane, (very near to Foynes) which comes into the Kerry diocese - however I think you might need to check this further , you could go to which will give you sall the parish records

    Thomas maddired Bridget Magrath (born 1859) records are Jul-Sept 1880 Glin, Ireland Vol 5 pg 127 and file No. 101253 if you want to get a copy. Thoams was not able to write; but apparently lived a good and long life

    Michael was born in 1891 and Patrick in 1916 Oct-Dec 1916 Vol5 pg 275 film No. 101076 Do take care though as there is 360 plus Costelloes in the Limerick area but concentrate on Foynes as Thomas was an agricultural worker there and they very often remain in the same locality I gather from a friend who knew the family well, that Michael was a miller (does this mean anything to you?) 

    When we are able to get and about I will visit my friend who will possibly be able to update me although he has told me that there is still a minor few of the family in the area.

    So for now be patient again and I will come back to you in due course

    Good Luck

    Jennifer Jean    contact:- killeedy1@irelandxo

    Killeedy1 Limerick, Volunteer Ireland Reaching Out ☘️

    Tuesday 29th Dec 2020, 02:10PM

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