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I found 2 Thomas McGranes in the  1829 Tithe Applotment Books in the town of Knocklara in Ballingarry Parish. They are also found in the 1832 Tithes records in the town of Knocklary, Parish of Ballylanders. ( I think the 1832 was a re-assessment by officials who were not quite satisfied about the amount of tithes charged earlier)  The first Thomas is a tenant on 24 acres of good pasture and the second Thomas is a tenant on 2 acres of mountain. I think the Thomas with the 2 acres could be his son ( they are clearly 2 separate people) but I really don't know. I read in a previous post that the RC church records for Ballingaddy do not begin until around this time but I am hoping there may be some records for Thomas McGrane in the parish marriage or burial...or children baptised after this time.  I also suspect, based on Castle Jane cemetery records, that there was a marriage of one of the Thomas' to an Elizabeth unknown ( 1802)  who died in Nov.1865 as Mrs. Mother McGrane, mother of Mrs.Catherine O'Brien of Glenbrohane.

I think the two Thomas' were related to my ggrandfather, Michael McGrane of Knocklong parish who was a tenant on the Ryves Estate in Scarteen 1830-1852. There is a brother, Richard McGrane, also of Knocklong parish and also tenant in Grange during the same time who married Mary Casey. Both of these men had sons bapitzed in Knocklong named Thomas.

 History of the Ryves Estate notes that 2 brothers shared in ownership of the estate lands during the time of Griffith's Valuation,  William Ryves held the lands in the parishes of Ballingarry and Ballyscadden while Hugh Ryves held the lands in the parishes of Ballyscadden and Galbally. It appears that all 4 of the McGranes were tenants to the same landholder and I am trying to see what the 2 Thomas's relationship might be to Michael and Richard McGrane.

Thank you very much!


Mary MacDonald

Saturday 24th Jan 2015, 06:09PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Mary

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the long delay n getting back to you.

    I have passed your query to a volunteer who will be in touch shortly

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Thursday 2nd Apr 2015, 09:38AM
  • Dear Clare,

    Just a note to say "thank you" for your reply about Thomas McGrane of Ballingarry and Glenbrohane.

    Best wishes,

    Mary MacDonald

    Thursday 2nd Apr 2015, 04:26PM
  • Dear Clare,

    I have not heard from a volunteer per your email of 13 March 2015. ??? Any suggestions?

    Thank You,

    Mary MacDonald

    Monday 25th May 2015, 01:01AM
  • Hi Mary

    So sorry that this hasn't progressed with our volunteers. I will recheck and let you know

    Best wishes
    Genealogy Suppport

    Monday 25th May 2015, 08:43AM
  • Dear Clare,

    Thanks for checking on this! I'll await your reply.


    Mary MacDonald

    Tuesday 26th May 2015, 12:05AM
  • Hi Mary,

    I can see why there wasn't a response from the Kilmallock message board, much of the information sought relates to that of Knocklong, in the meantime I have sent the email to a volunteer contact there to see if he can shed some light on your enquiry,

    Perhaps you have already seen but if not please look at the Castle Jane graveyard listing this entry relates to Mrs O Brien Glenbrohane at the end of the listing it referances her mother Mrs McGrane Died Nov 21st 1865 as you can see above, the Hill of Knocklong cemetery and also cemeteries in Glenbrohane have also been surveyed. I hope that further information can be gleaned through the contact in Knocklong for you,

    Many thanks

    Amanda Slattery

    Ballyhoura Development

    Tuesday 26th May 2015, 09:04AM
  • Dear Amanda,

    Thanks so much for your email and follow-up about my enquiry for Thomas McGrane.

    I'll wait to hear from the volunteer.

    Best Wishes,

    Mary MacDonald

    Saturday 30th May 2015, 12:04AM

Post Reply