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I recently found a baptismal record on for my gg-grandfather, Edward Mortell.  This is the first record I've found to identify the parish the family came from.  So of course, I'm looking for more.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Tuesday 5th Jul 2016, 03:11PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Julie

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Can you tell us what the baptism record contains - date of baptism, name of parents etc

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 5th Jul 2016, 03:27PM
  • This is what the record shows...

    Name: Edwd Mortal

    Event Type: Baptism

    Baptism Date: 19 Jul 1826

    Baptism Place: Knocklong and Glenbrohane, Limerick, Ireland

    Diocese: Cashel and Emly

    Father: James Mortal

    Mother: Bridget Bohan


    Tuesday 5th Jul 2016, 04:31PM
  • Hi Julie

    That seems to be the only baptism for any children for that couple available. There are some gaps in the baptism records for the parish so that could explain it. You can see the original digitised copy HERE though there may have been others as the couple married on 28th Feb 1813. The witnesses to the marriage at the parish of Knocklong and Glenbrohane were James and Joseph Bohan (possibly Bridget's brothers). Parents' names are not recorded unfortunately. 

    I couldn't find a death record for either James or Bridget. Neither could I find a record for a Mortal in the Tithes or Griffith's Valuation. Did Edward/Edmond marry in Ireland?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 


    Friday 8th Jul 2016, 09:02AM
  • Thank you for the information.  There were at least two additional children, Michael (born 1816) and John (born 1825).  All three sons moved to the US by 1860—James too.  I have census records for 1860 and 1870 that include James, in Chicago, but nothing with Bridget, so I'm assuming she passed before James left Ireland.

    I appreciate your help.



    Friday 8th Jul 2016, 08:55PM

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