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This is from Wolfe's history of Clinton County, Iowa


Among those men of sterling attributes of character who have impressed their personality upon the community of their residence and, in fact, upon all whom they have had occasion to meet during the course of a busy and praiseworthy career is the Rev. D. Riordan, the well known and able pastor of St. Philips and St. James church at Grand Mound, Orange township, Clinton county. He has borne his full share in the upbuilding and development of this community, having, during the twenty years of his residence here, exerted a strong influence for good in the entire vicinity, being a man of un-questioned honor and desirous at all times to see the advancement of his congregation and all others along moral, educational and material lines. Yet, while conscious of the good he has done and of the large success he has achieved, he is unassuming, even meek and reserved, never seeking publicity or the admiring plaudits of men. merely striving to know and do his full duty to himself, his neighbor and his God, following humbly in the footsteps of the lowly Nazarene.

D. Riordan was born on March 11, 1862, in county Limerick, Ireland, and is the son of James and Debora (Cook) Riordan. The father also was born in the county mentioned above. He was a hard working, honest man of whom no harm could be said. The direct ancestry of this family is traceable back to the early Christian era.

The Rev. Mr. Riordan grew to maturity in his native county and was educated at St. Patrick's Academy at Thurles, Ireland, under Archbishop Croak, and was there ordained on June 29, 1888. He came to America in 1888 and took up his work in the state of Iowa, remaining there six months. In January, 1890, he came to Ida Grove, Clinton county, Iowa, and became pastor of the church at Center Grove. He did a good work there during the following two years, and in 1892 he came to Grand Mound and has since been pastor of the church here, as mentioned above. He has not only greatly strengthened the congregation, but has erected practically all the buildings, which are substantial, attractive and convenient, models for the use intended and fitting monuments to his energy, business ability and courage. His sister Margrett accompanied him to America and has since remained with him.

Thursday 26th Jan 2012, 10:47AM

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  • Thanks Mark!

    Clare Doyle 

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 29th Sep 2015, 01:40PM

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