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Has anyone been able to piece together the Cooke Family tree. There are quite a lot of Cookes in Knockainey and I'm having problems with it. I'm fairly certain that my ancestors are Nicholas Cooke (Bottomstown, 1796-1870) & Maria English (Bulgaden, 1801-1886). I'm very certain my great*3 grandmother was their Daughter, Deborah (1830-1914). I'd like to be able to know how all the Cookes tie in together. There was also Cookes in Baggotstown. What is their conection. I'm living in West Limerick so am well within striking distance of Knockainey. Anyone have any ideas?


Monday 29th Dec 2014, 11:10AM

Message Board Replies

  • My name is Peter Cooke from Pyalong Australia
    I know of a relative Thomas Cooke on the old family farm in Ireland
    My father was Robert,of John,of Richard,of Patrick Cooke who settled in Pyalong

    Wednesday 31st Dec 2014, 12:57AM
  • Hi  Peter  and  Mark,    In  June/July  2013,  Evelyn  O'Rourke  interviewed  a  lady  called  Marsha  for  a  programme  on  Irish  TV,  called  Tar  Abhaile.  Marsha  who  lives  in  Chicago  U S A, has  done  extensive  research  on  the  Cookes  from  Knockainey.  She  would  be  willing  to  exchange  material  with  you.   I  will  give  you  her  contact  details  if  you  would  like  me  to.

    Best  of  luck.

    Christina.  Vol.  Ireland  reaching  out,

    Christina, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 3rd Jan 2015, 10:08AM
  • hi Christina,it would be interesting to speak to her if you could provide the details.many Thanks,Peter



    Saturday 3rd Jan 2015, 11:38PM
  • Peter - I thought I would write and let you know that I will be in Australia in September this year. 

    I hope that we can make plans to meet during the weeks I am there.  Keep in touch.


    Marsha, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘︎

    Wednesday 10th Jun 2015, 12:02AM
  • Hi all Cooke relatives - esp Marsh Thomas in Chicago. I have joined Ireland reaching out to develop a few more contacts for an intended visit to Ireland in 2016. Our last visit in 2013 was too short - but made delightful by contact with distant family . I would love to hear from anyone interested. Dennis Kilmartin

    Monday 21st Dec 2015, 02:15AM
  • Hi Dennis -

    We are planning a trip to Ireland in August 2016.  When might you be there?  It would be wonderful to meet up.

    Marsha Thomas

    Marsha, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘︎

    Monday 21st Dec 2015, 02:19PM
  • Hi Peter,

    I am just wondering if you are related to the cooke/walsh family that came over from Ireland in the 1850's to Pyalong? I am trying to find the connection.



    Monday 13th Jun 2016, 06:32AM
  • hi darz16 

    I am related to Patrick Cooke and Mary Walsh! He was my great great great grandfather,I am also trying to find out information about the family as I am trying to do a family tree for the "cooke" family. If anyone has a family tree from Patrick's side up to present I would love to take a look if I could!! Good luck on your search darz16 hope you can piece it all together.                

    Beck Harvey 



    Wednesday 5th Oct 2016, 09:31AM
  • I have a great deal of information about the Cooke family from Knockainey.  I have pieced it together over many years with the help of others who have all used a great many resources to put together a family tree.  If you are interested, please send me an email address to and I will be happy to add your name to my account that will give you lots of information on the Cookes.  My information starts with Nicholas Cooke and Margaret Cleary, who were the parents of Patrick Cooke, born 1818.

    Marsha Thomas

    Marsha, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘︎

    Thursday 6th Oct 2016, 06:04PM
  • Hi Marsha  and all,  Another query re the Cooke family on Ireland reaching out today..

    Also  I presume you have found  insxriptions for Cooke Family, on  very old headstones in one of the Graveyards in Knockainey..

    Good luck with the research.

    Christina Vol Irelandxo.

    Christina, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 11th Oct 2016, 07:40AM
  • Christina -

    The Cooke group has been in touch with Beck Harvey.  I have also put him in touch with the cousins in Australia.  It is an amazing web of diaspora that has been woven out of the small village of Knockainey!  I'm thinknig that a love of genealogy must be genetic in this family.  Thanks for helping us find each other.

    Best regards,


    Marsha, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘︎

    Tuesday 11th Oct 2016, 01:52PM
  • You are welcome  Marsha. I totally agree  with the love of Genealogy in this family.



    Christina, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 12th Oct 2016, 10:05AM

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