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Michael Carroll (b about 1796) and Katherine Callaghan (b about 1798) along with their children Ellen, Margaret, Katherine, Thomas, James, and Joanna lived in County Limerick and came to the United States in the early 1850's.  Ellen may have been married to John Frawley in Ireland and those two may have come over ahead of the rest of the family.  I think Michael Carrol and family  landed in New York City.  They stayed for a time in the city of Northfield, in Franklin County, in the state of Massachusetts.  Dennis Carroll was not a child of Michael and Katherine's but moved with them and the rest of the family in the late 1850's to the state of Wisconsin.  Dennis Carroll's family was told their relatives were from Kilteely.  

Thank you in advance for any help you can give.  I look forward to connecting with you.



Friday 17th May 2013, 10:59AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    Thank you for your message. 

    Do you know much about their emigration? The dates, the reason why they left, who they may have travelled with?..etc..Generally more information was given at the port of arrival rather than the port of departure and could be a good place to start looking for additional information. 

    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 5th Jun 2013, 03:30PM
  • further to your message above I have some information which may be of assistance.  I can confirm that Michael Carroll and Katherine Callagher did not have their family in Kilteely; There family included Margaret born 1817, Denis Born 1819, Kate 1923, Michael born 1825; Thomas Born 1828 and John Born 1830. All these children were born in the Parish of Dromin & Athlacca co. Limerick.I note you have records of further children. based on the Records I have observed it is possible based on the naming tradition of the time that Michaels father was Denis as Denis was Michaels first born son.


    If the Denis you are looking for is not the Denis above born 1819 and you are of the view that he was from Kilteely. It would be inportant to to know his approximate year of birth. I have had a look at the Kilteely records for you and the only Denis Carroll born between 1810-1850 was a Denis born 8/07/1816 his parents were John Carroll and Ellen Molone he was the first of three children recorded carroll born to in kilteely to this couple the other children included an Ellen born 21/01/1819 (Godparents were Cornelius Heffernan & Margaret Joyce) this Ellen died before 1823 and their next child born on 10/05/1823 was also called Ellen (godparents were Eamonn Hogan & Margaret Hogan), Is it possible that the Ellen you mentioned possibly married to frawley was also not their child but a sister to Denis?. I could locate no marriage record for ellen Carroll and John Frawley in local records.

    In the Kilteely parish around this time period there was also a Denis carroll married to Honora Lynch and they had the following family: Margaret born 21/05/1820 (godparents were patrick Lynch & Beidget Unknown) Ellen born November 1820 (Godparents were Michael Murphy & mary carroll) this Ellen died before 1823 and their next child was also called Ellen born 10/05/1823 (godparents were John Lynch and Bridget Cummins) and their final child was Johanna born 9/02/1837 (Godparents were John Lynch & Ellen Mulcahy)

    The carroll family were in the cromhill and Ballinlough area of the parish as far back as 1833 at the Time of the tithe Applotments


    Surname Forename Townland/Street Parish County Year

    Carroll Jno Ballinlough Ballinlough Limerick 1833

    Carroll Dens Ballinlough Ballinlough Limerick 1833

    Carroll Wm Cromhill Ballinlough Limerick 1833


    As you will observe the Denis carroll family are associated with the ballinlough townsland and this family or relatives are still in the area.

    I hope this is helpful


    Ed O'Dea




    Edmond O'Dea

    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 09:41PM
  • further to your message above I have some information which may be of assistance.  I can confirm that Michael Carroll and Katherine Callagher did not have their family in Kilteely; There family included Margaret born 1817, Denis Born 1819, Kate 1923, Michael born 1825; Thomas Born 1828 and John Born 1830. All these children were born in the Parish of Dromin & Athlacca co. Limerick.I note you have records of further children. based on the Records I have observed it is possible based on the naming tradition of the time that Michaels father was Denis as Denis was Michaels first born son.


    If the Denis you are looking for is not the Denis above born 1819 and you are of the view that he was from Kilteely. It would be inportant to to know his approximate year of birth. I have had a look at the Kilteely records for you and the only Denis Carroll born between 1810-1850 was a Denis born 8/07/1816 his parents were John Carroll and Ellen Molone he was the first of three children recorded carroll born to in kilteely to this couple the other children included an Ellen born 21/01/1819 (Godparents were Cornelius Heffernan & Margaret Joyce) this Ellen died before 1823 and their next child born on 10/05/1823 was also called Ellen (godparents were Eamonn Hogan & Margaret Hogan), Is it possible that the Ellen you mentioned possibly married to frawley was also not their child but a sister to Denis?. I could locate no marriage record for ellen Carroll and John Frawley in local records.

    In the Kilteely parish around this time period there was also a Denis carroll married to Honora Lynch and they had the following family: Margaret born 21/05/1820 (godparents were patrick Lynch & Beidget Unknown) Ellen born November 1820 (Godparents were Michael Murphy & mary carroll) this Ellen died before 1823 and their next child was also called Ellen born 10/05/1823 (godparents were John Lynch and Bridget Cummins) and their final child was Johanna born 9/02/1837 (Godparents were John Lynch & Ellen Mulcahy)

    The carroll family were in the cromhill and Ballinlough area of the parish as far back as 1833 at the Time of the tithe Applotments


    Surname Forename Townland/Street Parish County Year

    Carroll Jno Ballinlough Ballinlough Limerick 1833

    Carroll Dens Ballinlough Ballinlough Limerick 1833

    Carroll Wm Cromhill Ballinlough Limerick 1833


    As you will observe the Denis carroll family are associated with the ballinlough townsland and this family or relatives are still in the area.

    I hope this is helpful


    Ed O'Dea




    Edmond O'Dea

    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 10:42PM
  • further to your message above I have some information which may be of assistance.  I can confirm that Michael Carroll and Katherine Callagher did not have their family in Kilteely; There family included Margaret born 1817, Denis Born 1819, Kate 1923, Michael born 1825; Thomas Born 1828 and John Born 1830. All these children were born in the Parish of Dromin & Athlacca co. Limerick.I note you have records of further children. based on the Records I have observed it is possible based on the naming tradition of the time that Michaels father was Denis as Denis was Michaels first born son.


    If the Denis you are looking for is not the Denis above born 1819 and you are of the view that he was from Kilteely. It would be inportant to to know his approximate year of birth. I have had a look at the Kilteely records for you and the only Denis Carroll born between 1810-1850 was a Denis born 8/07/1816 his parents were John Carroll and Ellen Molone he was the first of three children recorded carroll born to in kilteely to this couple the other children included an Ellen born 21/01/1819 (Godparents were Cornelius Heffernan & Margaret Joyce) this Ellen died before 1823 and their next child born on 10/05/1823 was also called Ellen (godparents were Eamonn Hogan & Margaret Hogan), Is it possible that the Ellen you mentioned possibly married to frawley was also not their child but a sister to Denis?. I could locate no marriage record for ellen Carroll and John Frawley in local records.

    In the Kilteely parish around this time period there was also a Denis carroll married to Honora Lynch and they had the following family: Margaret born 21/05/1820 (godparents were patrick Lynch & Beidget Unknown) Ellen born November 1820 (Godparents were Michael Murphy & mary carroll) this Ellen died before 1823 and their next child was also called Ellen born 10/05/1823 (godparents were John Lynch and Bridget Cummins) and their final child was Johanna born 9/02/1837 (Godparents were John Lynch & Ellen Mulcahy)

    The carroll family were in the cromhill and Ballinlough area of the parish as far back as 1833 at the Time of the tithe Applotments


    Surname Forename Townland/Street Parish County Year

    Carroll Jno Ballinlough Ballinlough Limerick 1833

    Carroll Dens Ballinlough Ballinlough Limerick 1833

    Carroll Wm Cromhill Ballinlough Limerick 1833


    As you will observe the Denis carroll family are associated with the ballinlough townsland and this family or relatives are still in the area.

    I hope this is helpful


    Ed O'Dea




    Edmond O'Dea

    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 10:42PM
  • further to your message above I have some information which may be of assistance.  I can confirm that Michael Carroll and Katherine Callagher did not have their family in Kilteely; There family included Margaret born 1817, Denis Born 1819, Kate 1923, Michael born 1825; Thomas Born 1828 and John Born 1830. All these children were born in the Parish of Dromin & Athlacca co. Limerick.I note you have records of further children. based on the Records I have observed it is possible based on the naming tradition of the time that Michaels father was Denis as Denis was Michaels first born son.


    If the Denis you are looking for is not the Denis above born 1819 and you are of the view that he was from Kilteely. It would be inportant to to know his approximate year of birth. I have had a look at the Kilteely records for you and the only Denis Carroll born between 1810-1850 was a Denis born 8/07/1816 his parents were John Carroll and Ellen Molone he was the first of three children recorded carroll born to in kilteely to this couple the other children included an Ellen born 21/01/1819 (Godparents were Cornelius Heffernan & Margaret Joyce) this Ellen died before 1823 and their next child born on 10/05/1823 was also called Ellen (godparents were Eamonn Hogan & Margaret Hogan), Is it possible that the Ellen you mentioned possibly married to frawley was also not their child but a sister to Denis?. I could locate no marriage record for ellen Carroll and John Frawley in local records.

    In the Kilteely parish around this time period there was also a Denis carroll married to Honora Lynch and they had the following family: Margaret born 21/05/1820 (godparents were patrick Lynch & Beidget Unknown) Ellen born November 1820 (Godparents were Michael Murphy & mary carroll) this Ellen died before 1823 and their next child was also called Ellen born 10/05/1823 (godparents were John Lynch and Bridget Cummins) and their final child was Johanna born 9/02/1837 (Godparents were John Lynch & Ellen Mulcahy)

    The carroll family were in the cromhill and Ballinlough area of the parish as far back as 1833 at the Time of the tithe Applotments


    Surname Forename Townland/Street Parish County Year

    Carroll Jno Ballinlough Ballinlough Limerick 1833

    Carroll Dens Ballinlough Ballinlough Limerick 1833

    Carroll Wm Cromhill Ballinlough Limerick 1833


    As you will observe the Denis carroll family are associated with the ballinlough townsland and this family or relatives are still in the area.

    I hope this is helpful


    Ed O'Dea




    Edmond O'Dea

    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 10:43PM
  • Thank you so much Mr. Ed O'Dea for your thorough research!  I appreciate your help so very much.  You have given me very valuable information.

    I am wondering about several things.  You mentioned John Carroll and Ellen Malone in Kilteely with children named Denis and Ellen.  In my family research I noticed Denis and Ellen Carroll emigrated to the U.S. before the rest of the Michael Carroll and Catherine Callaghan family I am researching.  It would make sense that they might be from a related Carroll family.  

    You also mentioned Denis Carroll and Honora Lynch with children named Margaret, Ellen, and Johanna. Those are the names of 3 of the 4 girls in the Michael Carroll and Catherine Callaghan family I am researching.

    The Michael Carroll family you mentioned includes a Michael and a John which I don't have listed in the Michael Carroll family I am researching.  It also doesn't inlude Ellen, James, and Johanna that are listed as part of the Michael Carroll family I am researching.  I'm not sure how to look at that.  Nothing fits perfectly yet I have the feeling families had to merge to get through the terrible time.

    I am going to share the information you sent with several other family researchers to see if they have any insights to share.  In the meantime, please let me know if anything else occurs to you.  Do you think it would be appropriate for me to contact the Denis Carroll family living in Ballinlough townsland?

    Thank you again for all of your help.


    Patty Schultz


    Tuesday 11th Jun 2013, 03:01PM
  • Patty

    It might be best to have a little more reliable info before a direct contact is made, the family I knew of this name in ballinlough area and not there now but some of their relatives are in the local area so They may have some info, I made a enquirey today from someone who may have a bit more info and again he would like a bit more info before establishing a link. He was able to show me an old church organ that was used in the old church in Kilteely (the old church in kilteely build around 1815 and replaced around 1962) The organ has a plate on it which reads "In memory of John Carroll San Francisco and late of Ballinlough" This would suggest that a John carroll born in Ballinlough living in San Francisco paid for the church Organ and i would have suggested the organ was a late 1800 or early 1900, does this ring any bells with the family at your end?




    Edmond O'Dea

    Saturday 13th Jul 2013, 11:39PM

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