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We are trying to research our family and so far we know of a wedding between William Glasheen and Maragret O'Brien on 16th January 1858 at Kilteely & Dromkeen Roman Catholic church.  William's address was Cappamore and Margaret's address was Konockroe.

We believe her parents were Cornelius O'Brien and Mary Bourke and that she was baptised at KIlteely in October 1844.

We are less sure of him but he maybe one of two William Glasheen's born in Ballylooby in 1838.

Wednesday 31st Oct 2012, 12:42PM

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  • I had a look at the records in Kilteely and can confirm the wedding of margaret Knockroe to Wm Glasheen cappamore and the witness were Thomas O'Brien and Daniel O'Brien (Most likely closely related to margreat) they married on 16/01/1858 , in your mail you thought that Margaret was born in october 1844 to Cornelius O'Brien and Mary Bourke and again this record is available, however this would mean that margaret was only aged 14 years at time of marriage which was not likely at that time, have you some evidence that these were the parents adn some assistance may come for the names of their children if they are know to you. The secord male child born would usually be named after his maternal grandfather and the second female child would be named after her mothers mother.  If you have a bit more info i will have another look at the records for you


    regards ed O'Dea

    Edmond O'Dea

    Saturday 13th Jul 2013, 11:59PM
  • Thanks for your comments.  We know very little about this part of the family but we believe that  William Glasheen and Margaret O'Brien who married on 16th January 1858 must be the relatives we were searching for.  We know about their life in England from 1866 but are unsure when they moved here and anything about their parents/grandparents etc.  

    After finding this marriage we tried to work out more about them and this seemed to be the only Margaret O'Brien we could find.  There appear to be two/four possible William Glasheens. (We thought they may be duplicates)

    When they were in England they had children, in order, called Margaret, Bridget (Harriet), William, James, Annie, John, Mary Ann, Thomas, Walter.  

    Our main interest is the Glasheen side as this is our name but we are finding it fairly difficult so any help or suggestions you can offer would be gratefully received. 


    regards Amy


    Saturday 20th Jul 2013, 03:05PM

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