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I am trying to make contact with someone who is associated with the Broggy Family or someone researching that family.



Friday 5th Jul 2013, 04:24AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    Thank you for your message. Do you have any further information regarding this family that may assist others in making a connection for you? 

    Some Limerick resources/sites which may be of interest to you are: 

    Limerick Genealogy:

    Limerick City Genealogy Information:

    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support 



    Wednesday 10th Jul 2013, 12:25PM
  • My ggggrandfather was William Broggy and he was born around 1805.  His native place according to his ship indents was Limerick and he was tried in Limerick in 1828 for stealing a pig and sent to New South Wales.  He later used the name Brophy.

    There are not a lot of Broggy families around I believe in the Limerick/Clare area but I have heard of  folk around Meelick and seen posts on various sites 

    Broggy/ Bruggy
    The name Broggy/ O Broghaidh is one of the oldest & rarest of all Irish names & can be seen in The Book of Armagh on display in Trinity College, Dublin.

    I am setting up this web page for Broggys who may be looking to trace their family name.

    At present there is only 3 families in Ireland with the name Broggy.
    My name is Bernadette Broggy daughter of Noel & Bridget Broggy. 



    Wednesday 10th Jul 2013, 02:06PM
  • I have been able to trace the family of Noel Broggy of Derrymore back to apporx 1812.  This has given me a base line to go back to the period my ggggrandfather William Broggy was born in to.  I have been able to connect other Broggy families to this one and has given me an overall picture of families with this surname.  It becomes apparent that various deravations of the surname have evolved such as Bruggy, Broggie, Brogy, Broughy etc.

    I have begun collecting records of births, marriages or deaths of folk with this surname as far back as the late 1700's who originated from Clare, Limerick and Galway.  Many emmigrated to England, Canada, America and Australia. 

    If you are connected to this family surname I would love to hear from you and perhaps you may help me with this project to give us all an idea of the origins of the Broggy clan and how they might be connected.


    Merv Webster



    Thursday 3rd Mar 2016, 09:53PM
  • hello!! my name is amy and i live in boston, MA, USA. my paternal grandmothers surname was brogie - the broggys of massachusetts ended up changing the spelling for some reason. i can trace back my broggy line to daniel broggy, my 4th great grandfather, who was born about 1810 in derrymore, clare, ireland. i would love to connect with any other broggys out there to chat! :)




    Saturday 7th Mar 2020, 05:34PM
  • I was born a Broggy and would also love any information about my ancestry

    Wednesday 25th Mar 2020, 08:48PM

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