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Hi there,

I live in the UK and am reasearching my Irish ancestors but have hit a stumbling block. I am reasearching the below who are my great great grandparents and were married to each other in 1868.
•John Noon born in 1846 in County Mayo to his father Patrick Noon and mother unknown
•Catherine Noon nee Higgins also born in 1846 in County Mayo and her father is John Higgins and his wife also called Catherine Higgins (her maiden name is unknown)
•They had 4 children together as far as I can tell and their children are Andrew born in 1871, John in 1876, my grandfather Patrick born in 1878 and their fourth child Mary born in 1881.

Hopefully someone can help. I have been advised via the Griffith valuation that most Noon's lived in Toomore or Kilcommon so I am also trying to locate the parish.

My email address is


Adam Taylor

Friday 6th Jun 2014, 07:55AM

Message Board Replies

  • Adam,

    Do you know where this couple were married and have you seen their Marriage Cert because it might state where they were from in Ireland. Otherwise I can pass on your information to a Noon friend to see if she can help. There is another person on this forum searching for their Noone/McGarry relations in this parish also.




    Monday 9th Jun 2014, 01:15PM
  • Hi Cailtin

    Thanks for your reply. I have had a look at the certificates and all it says is County Mayo, Ireland. There is nothing more specific than this. I would appreciate you passing it to a Noon friend to see what they say. Do you know the other person searching for Noon?

    Thanks for your help


    Tuesday 10th Jun 2014, 07:20AM
  • Adam,

    I don't know this person but she posted a query on this website under this parish. If you search the Message Board using the surname Noon and key words Mayo, you will see her query. The date of emigration for her ancestors is later than yours in around 1883. However and despite reading a book on the geneology of the Noone family of Knocknalower (let me know if you wish to obtain this book), she was not able to find descendents of her family. The friend that I mentioned is working on it too but appears to be finding it difficult. Anyway I will email my friend your message.






    Tuesday 10th Jun 2014, 05:41PM
  • Hi Caitlin


    Thanks for your help


    I look forward to hearing from your friend. Please pass my email address to her. It is



    Wednesday 11th Jun 2014, 07:28AM

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