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     I'm trying to track down some information about my family.My great,great,great grandfather was a Denis FitzGerald of Boher registered in 1851 on Griffiths Valuation.He was married to a Mary Noonan.I believe his father was named Maurice,born 1865.Maurice's gravestone appears on a website commemorated by his son William(presumably Denis' brother.I wanted to validate that Denis' father was Maurice, and to try to find out a little more about Maurice if anyone knows.I still have relations in the area living in Kilanure and was trying to continue a family tree search commenced by my father Eamon.My name is Liam(William) as was my grandfathers.There seems to be a connection between the names William,Denis,James and Maurice dating way back in the family.Any help re Maurice or Denis's family would be much appreciated.I understand Denis had 11 children and had land in Boher and Coolattin





Liam FitzGerald




Liam FitzGerald

Monday 25th Feb 2013, 12:27PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Liam,

    Welcome to Kilbehenny on IrelandReachingout.

    Yes there are both Fitzgeralds and Noonans living around Boher.  I expect to be meeting Moss Fitzgerald within a week or so and I will ask him.

    Check up Kilbehenny Old Graveyard on I know that Moss Fitzgeralds family grave is at the eastern side, about 7-10 graves south from the corner of eastern gable of the church.

    We have all the graves there transcribed and photographed.

    Where are you writing from? Have you been to Kilbehenny at any time?



    Conor O'Brien

    Tuesday 26th Feb 2013, 11:03AM
  • Thanks Conor,

                             I am living in Dublin. I have not visited Kilbehenny since I was a child.My Father's first cousin still has a farm in Kilanure although I dont know him.My dad passed away a few years ago and I wanted to carry on his research nto the family oorigins.He grew up near Templemore but  his family are all from the Boher/Kibehenny area going way back.Thank you for your reply and for your advice


    Keep in Touch.I'd be interested to know if there is any connection via Moss Fitzgerald


    Many Thanks



    Liam FitzGerald

    Tuesday 26th Feb 2013, 11:18AM
  • Hello Liam .

    Conor told me you visited Kilbehenny /Ireland Reaching out . Your on the right track , all of them Fitzgerald's came from Boher - Coolatin , Moss Fitzgerald is my name and I believe we are far out related , Denis Fitzgerald owns that Farm and Old Farm House now , I will contact Denis and he should have more information .

    Check our website ( kilbehenny . com ) and you will see photographs of Denis - Kathleen and there two boys helping out at our Community Garden prepairing the Potatos for the Kilbehenny Potato Festival .

    We are having our Potato Festival this year August 13 - 19th as part of the Gathering so it would be great if you and your Family could pay a visit .

    Regards for now .

    Moss .

    Friday 8th Mar 2013, 09:15PM

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