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Hello All,


I am looking for any information  on my ggg grandparents David and Mary ( Ahearne) BREEN. married 1836 in Kilbehenny. They migrated to Australia in 1855 on the ship The Cairngorm. ( listed as BRIEN) with their 7( maybe 8) children, one more to be born in Australia. 2 of their girls married Mahoney brothers from Limerick. I get the sense that they may have known each other in Limerick. David was born in Kilkenny according to his death certificate.  Mary's parents were Ellen Connors and Patrick Ahearn.

David Breen(e) rented land on the Loughananna estate? 

Any information on this family would be very much appreciated. I would love to share informatin from Australia too.


thank you


Helena Spencer

Saturday 28th Apr 2012, 09:49AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Helena, my name is Doreen.  I am working with the Ireland reaching out project for the ballyhoura area which includes Kilbehenney.  I will forward your query regarding your family to someone who may be able to help you.


    Doreen Mc E

    Doreen McElligott, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 29th Apr 2012, 04:39PM
  • Many thanks Doreen.

    I am very grateful for your efforts,




    Helena Spencer

    Monday 30th Apr 2012, 08:16AM
  • Hi Helena,

    Could you please post your message here:

    There are Roman Catholic church records available for the diocese of Kilbehenny (Cashel and Emly). These date from 1824 for baptismal records and 1825 for marriage records. These can be found at the National Library of Ireland, Pos. 2500. If you have any difficulty, you could try writing to the parish priest for more assistance.

    There should be records from the estate of the Earl of Kingston at the National Library of Ireland, Ms. 3276. These are rental books dated 1840 for all tenants, covering townlands including those in the parish of Kilbeheny.

    Have you checked the immigration records in Australia? You have the name of the ship and a date, so this will help a lot. Generally, more information was given at the port of arrival rather than the port of departure. The University of Woolongong has produced, on microfiche, a complete index and transcript of all information concerning immigrants of Irish origin recorded on ships' passenger lists between 1848 and 1867. These are useul for finding out an exact place of origin as well as parents' names. The Public Record Office of Victoria has good online databases of settlers at Otherwise, other records may be found in the Colonial Office Papers of the UK National Archives, class reference CO 201. This class contains a wide variety of records, including petitions for assisted passages, emigrants' lists, records of emigrants on board ship, peitions from settlers for financial assistance and much more.

    You could also try checking the land records called the Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38) or the later Griffth's Valuation (1848-64). Griffith's is freely available here: or here: Failte Romhat has lots of other useful links you could try looking at.

    Please make sure you link anyone else in your family who is interested in their Irish heritage to our site - and indeed anyone else you know of Irish heritage.

    Kind regards,

    Sinead Cooney

    Genealogist (Ireland XO)



    Tuesday 1st May 2012, 11:09AM
  • Just for info also, if any of your ancestors were based in Kilbehenny its quite possible that they may have been buried in the Old Graveyard in Kilbehenny, we are currently doing survey work of many of the historic graveyards in the area and as we record we transcribe and publish online, keep an eye on this link and it should help in your search also and search Old Graveyard KIlbehenny. Having done much of the recording recently there are many Mahoneys buried there, transcriptions of each headstone will be done in the coming days and weeks so just keep an eye out and it may be of use!

    Wednesday 2nd May 2012, 03:41PM
  • Thank you Amanda,

    Conor had emailed me this information but I am very pleased that you took the time to post this comment. I am very appreciative of any help and information. We are really hoping to get to Kilbehennny in the next couple of years.Can't wait!



    Helena Spencer

    Thursday 3rd May 2012, 07:31AM
  • Hi

    A couple of my gg uncles married Breens. They were Michael and John Mahoney. They lived in the Western District of Victoria. I do have some info about them. If you would like to know more let me know.

    Stephen Williams

    Saturday 18th Apr 2015, 02:43AM

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