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Hoping to find more info like most on this site. My great grandfather Thomas O'Brien we were told was from Hospital. I find some info of several Thomas' in the town in the later half of the 1800s. He married Honora Bresnahan. I found a Owen Bresnahan who married Margaret Baggot in Kilcullane.  Thomas we were told was a Doctor. His son, also Thomas, was a chemist. Allegedly got into trouble with teh Brits regarding some explosives he made. He fled to America. He did not talk much about it because he was worried he would be sought out by agents to take him back. He died well before I was born. That is about all I know. I am on here and a few other sites looking for info. Applotment Tithe, local gov't documents etc. 



Saturday 25th Jan 2014, 11:41PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Michael

    There is a record of the marriage of Thomas O'Brien and Honora Bresnahan in Limerick 1846 on

    You need to purchase credit to view the full record but it will have the parish and MAYBE the parents' names

    You don't give a birth year for them but maybe it will be on the record and you cane search for births on


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 26th Jan 2014, 02:40AM
  • Hi Michael,

    I think we could be related. My  great-grandparents were Dr Thomas Clement O'Brien & Hanoria Mary Bresnihan from Hospital. Their daughter Hannah (Johanna) married Denis Ryan a stonemason and they had four children, John, Hanoria Mary, Thomas & Bridget (My grandmother).  I would love to hear from you further.  



    Wednesday 28th Mar 2018, 08:21PM
  • Fionnuala -

    I am sorry, I did not ever see this reply and just came across this. I would have to look further to Thomas' siblings, but I do know there was a John. I am not familiar with Mary or Bridget. I will be in touch as I look a little further to confirm. I apologize as I have had some fake contacts on some sites so I am more careful now.



    Sunday 20th Dec 2020, 07:10PM
  • BTW - I see a Matthew Ryen and Ellen Maloney as witnesses at Thomas O'Brien and Honora Bresnan (sic) wedding.


    Sunday 20th Dec 2020, 07:46PM
  • Typo - Matthew Ryan


    Sunday 20th Dec 2020, 07:55PM
  • Hi Michael,
    I'm delighted to hear from you again. Yes I do believe we are related. It's my understanding Dr. Thomas O'Brien & Hanora Bresnihan had 8 children, Thomas J., Ellen Ruth, Maurice, William, Johanna (my great-grandmother), Mary (orse Molly), James & Michael. As you know I have a family tree on Ancestry & I'm connected with other members through DNA who have provided me with information on the O'Brien branch. Like yourself I am wary of false leads & find researching overwhelming at times & needless to say very time consuming!! I recall my late mother mentioning a relative who got into trouble & emigrated to the US - perhaps your Thomas?
    Where are you living? I'm living in Cork.
    If you wish to email me directly please do at:

    Looking forward to hearing from you again soon.

    Best wishes,



    Tuesday 29th Dec 2020, 09:57PM

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