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I just learned that my great grandfather, William Coffey Ryan, died in Ballingoola on a return visit to Ireland in August of 1934. He was 76 years old at the time of his death. His niece Anne Ryan (possibly about 27 years old in 1934) attended him at his death and acted as witness on his death certificate. The 1901 and 1911 census records show a Ryan family in Ballingoola that I'm hoping are relatives.

I know that William was a horseman, working as a sulkie driver at racetracks in the St Louis and Chicago area when he first came to the US.  Later he worked as an electrician.

In the US he married Margaret Ryan (nee Ryan), possibly from Ballyhobin, Limerick, Ireland before coming to Chicago.

First names that seem to pop up in my Ryan clan: William, John, Julia, Catherine, Marguerite.

Wondering if anyone has a connection to the Ryans form Ballingoola. I'd love to learn more about this side of my family.


Michael Riordan

Tuesday 25th Sep 2012, 09:23PM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! 

    Have you learned any more about the above?


    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 30th Sep 2015, 10:46AM
  • Hi Clare

    Thanks for responding. I have found a bit more. My grandfather's baptism lists his father as William Ryan and his Mother as Julia Coffey. I also found baptismal records for several siblings, including John Ryan who was the eldest child and was living in Ballingoola during the 1901 and 1911 Census. From the census records i also have the names of John's wife (walsh) and children but I have not been able to proceed any further than that. If you have any further ideas for me I'd love to hear them!



    Saturday 30th Apr 2016, 07:46AM
  • Did you see their marriage record in the parish of Pallasgreen and Templebredon on 19-Jan-1849 witnesses recorded as Robert Frewen and Ellen Ryan.


    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 4th May 2016, 03:47PM

    Hi Clare

    Thanks, I did see the marriage record. The Frewen name has popped up a few times in my search, so there maybe a cousin in that family somewhere back along the tree. I'll ahve to look for that too. 

    Thanks for looking


    Thursday 5th May 2016, 01:44AM
  • HI Michael I'm your 3rd cousin living in London. Unfortunately not in contact with my Ryan relatives. My paternal great grandfather was John Ryan your great grandfather's brother. Not sure what's going on with present generation - will ask when I'm in Limerick in August. Hope your searches are going well. Ancestry has a family tree of mine incorporating my own knowledge with info I got from someone else's who is obviously related to both of us.

    Kind regards,

    Julie McCarthy



    Thursday 6th Jul 2017, 11:47PM
  • Julie & MIchael,


    I know the family ye are discussing, I am a relative from a sibling of the William who married julie Coffey through my grandmother who was also Ryan and these Ryan's originated in Cross pallasgrean,  happy to hear from ye and pass on some of the information, my email is and i live in the east limerick area.


    regards ed 

    Edmond O'Dea

    Saturday 29th Jun 2019, 10:54PM

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