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Looking for  further info on the Noonan family

my ggg gparents James Ginevan and Ann Noonan  married at  Galbally 

Aherlow on 17 Sep !827 There are 5 sons we know of William, b 1829 John b 1833, James  b 1836, Daniel b 1841, Patrick b 1842.

there may  have been other siblings but these 5 all migrated and settled in australia . After marriage, the parents may have moved, farmed in the 'clonbeg area of Tipperary. Joh in australia married a Mary Barry from Limerick b circa 1842. her parents were John Barry and Mary Noonan.

Any  further info would be appreciated about  these families


Friday 29th Mar 2013, 07:21AM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Kathy,

    Have you tried looking in church records for more information? If you can find James and Ann?s marriage certificate it may give you their fathers? names. Most Catholic records are held locally so you may need to write to the local parish priest for possible assistance. One website that you may find useful is the Irish Times where they give an overview of what records are available in specific parishes. It also shows you where copies of the records are available. For Galbally parish, follow this link:

    You may also be able to find a birth record for any other possible children.

    Civil registration began in 1864, so any births, deaths or marriages in the family after this date will also be recorded here.  Civil records are available from the General Register?s Office in Dublin. Here is their website:

    You can search the indexes to these records online at:

    You could also check for record of the family in the land acts pertaining to Ireland in the 19th century. There are two:

    The Tithe Applotment Books (1823-1838) found at

    and Griffith?s Valuation (1848-1864) found at

    You could also search the 1901/1911 census records to see if there was any family still in the Limerick/Tipperry area at the time:

    Some other websites that you may find useful are:

    The National Archives of Ireland

    The National Library of Ireland

    Genealogy Links:

    Family Search:

    I hope that some of this is helpful. Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support

    Thursday 16th May 2013, 11:08AM
  • Hi Kathy,

    I saw your post and just wanted to touch base since Noonan and Ginevan appear in the records I've found for Galbally Aherlow.

    My great-great-great grandfather:

    Name:  Denis Leary

    Date of Baptism:  16 December, 1819

    Address:  Corderry

    Parish/District:  Galbally & Aherlow

    County:  Co. Limerick

    Denomination:  Roman Catholic

    Father:  Patk. Leary

    Mother:  Honora Nunan

    Sponsors:  Denis Hennessy, Cath. Hennessy


    Denis Leary's brother:


    Name:  John Leary

    Date of Baptism:  20 April, 1824

    Parish/District:  Galbally & Aherlow

    County:  Co. Limerick

    Denomination:  Roman Catholic

    Father:  Patk. Leary

    Mother:  Honora Noonan

    Sponsors:  James Dingavan, Judy Crowe

    I have a contact in Ireland who is helping me find my O'Leary ancestral land, and she has told me that the sponsor for John Leary's baptism transcribed as James Dingavan should be James Ginevan.

    Let me know if you find out anything further about the Noonan family.

    Lois Garrett


    Monday 17th Jun 2013, 12:23AM
  • hi Kathy, I have a Mary Ginevan who married a James Connors. Mary is buried in Galbally with the Ginevans. She came from Clonbeg in Aherlow and as far as i know they had the Post Office there  finding it very hard to research. If you want more details i will give you my email address.





    Catherine O Connor Mc Loughlin

    Friday 26th Jul 2013, 06:55AM
  • Thank you Lois for this piece of information ...

    interesting re the Dingavan / Ginevan .. The Dingavan name seems to have persisted though as well as Ginevan .. I would welcome anything further that throws light on this issue.

    I will pass on any further info or thinking re Noonans  ie are Ann and Honora sisters?

    Kind regards


    Friday 2nd Aug 2013, 12:20AM
  • Hi Catherine


    i would welcome any information about Mary Ginevan

    how do we do this? 



    Thursday 22nd Aug 2013, 09:40AM

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