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I have been to Doon & Cappamore, Co. Limerick in 2012 and spoken with Father Tony Ryan and Paud Sweeney & his family, but so far, we've made no new discoveries.

Patrick Sweeney, b. 17 March 1790, left Cappamore 21 April 1827 (for Canada). From these scraps of information and other family lore among many cousins (Sweeneys did prosper in Canada & USA), I have constructed the following:  Pat Sweeney m. about 1816, Bridget Fox and had 3 children, Alice 1817, Thomas 1819, and Patrick Jr. 1821. Shortly after that, Bridget died and Pat. Sr. married Jane Spellman. They had one child in Ireland, Edward, and then they emigrated 21 April 1827, most likely from Limerick City as Patrick was a tailor, but times were not good, even for trades/craftsmen, so going to Liverpool probably was too expensive.  I found a ship, Isabella, that departed from Limerick on 25 April 1827, so that's a possibility.

In Canada & the US the family is easily traceable & I have most of what's available I think, but anything in Ireland that would support the "facts" above would be most welcome.  Also any kind of connection between Patrick Sweeney Sr. and Sweeneys that remained would be splendid.  Thank you.

Tuesday 21st Jan 2014, 03:10PM

Message Board Replies

  • I wouldn?t assume that your family must have left directly from Limerick simply because of the cost of getting to Liverpool. The competition for emigrants business was quite fierce and many ships agents included the cost of getting to Liverpool in free, as part of the deal. (There were many more sailings from Liverpool, and far more Irish emigrants left from Liverpool than ever left directly from Ireland).

    I have attached a link to a site which gives some information about emigrants travel arrangements. It happens to be for Co Donegal but pretty well everything in it would apply equally to Limerick. You will see mention of free passage to Liverpool in the article.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Tuesday 21st Jan 2014, 03:33PM
  • Thank you, every bit of information helps.  I will look at that URL.

    Tuesday 21st Jan 2014, 04:04PM
  • Bridget Fox came from Gurtavalla Doon as did Jane Spelman. Many were small tenants near or on the bog. My Fox ancestors came from here also and were reported to be in Doon for 450 years. No living Fox descendants live there but many are dispered in neighbouring parishes even though 85 foxes were baptised in Doon in the 1800's .the Famine had a major effect on the population. My great great grandfather James Fox evicted from Cooga Doon in 1815 and moved to Cappawhite.  Spellmans lived on the border of Pallasgreen/ Doon parishes in the early to mid 1800's but later bearers of the name show up in 1911 in Knockainey parish. See attached Tithe applotments 1826-1834, Griffith Valuation 1851 and Census records 1901/1911 .

    Seamus Fox

    Mitchelstown1 Cork

    Tuesday 21st Jan 2014, 11:47PM

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