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About 8 of us will come from the U.S. on August 22 to stay in Tulla at this property:

We have been working on our Irish genealogy for about 2 years.  The public tree on is Prehoda Family Tree.  Of considerable interest is more information on John Fitzpatrick and Catherine Ryan, parents of Bridget Frances Fitzpatrick, who married another Irishman (John Joseph Woods) when they met in America.

I have just two items that identify these two g-g-grandparents, born abt 1800 in/around Tulla.  One is the 1855 Griffith’s record (attached) showing John Fitzpatrick renting from Timothy O’Brien in Kilmore; the other, a death certificate for Bridget Frances Fitzpatrick, showing parent’s names.

We have been able to connect with descendants of John & Catherine—the Boyces and the Foleys.  Ann Culloo and her brother John Boyce still live in Tulla, I believe.  We hope to meet them at Torpey’s Pub while visiting!

Any chance there is more information on John & Catherine, or their daughter Bridget born abt 1844 in Tulla who married John Joseph Woods abt 1866 in America?

I’m wondering what special events are also planned this coming summer for the diaspora…..





Samuel F. Lockwood M.D.

3202 Cedar Bay Road

Calumet, Michigan 49913

(906) 337--0933

Wednesday 21st Jan 2015, 08:55PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Sam
    Welcome! I will pass this to the Tulla parish group

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Monday 26th Jan 2015, 03:46PM

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