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Greetings all. Via DNA links I believe my John Leahy to be from Bulgaden area of Kilmallock. I was hoping that someone might have more details as I can not seem to get a paper trail going (just DNA).

All I know factually is that John Leahy born between 1837-1844. He  married Catherine (Kate) (O) Donoghue/Donohoe/ue in Hospital, Co Limerick in 1870. Her father was Thomas and is listed as a shopkeeper on marriage cert. His father is also called John and is listed as a farmer. They ran a grocer in the 1870s in Charleville and also a pub. John died young between 1882-1886. He died on TB in Hospital where his father in law Thomas seems to have looked after him. 

Assumptions: John's own father was alive to sign the wedding cert in 1870, however, he died between then and John dying, or why else would John have gone to his father in law? Or was the elder John to ill to tend to his son? Assuming his mother is already dead.

Kate left Charleville on the early death of her husband and took her young children to Limerick City - assumption is she either had no familial support from the Leahys (or she had too many children for anyone to take her in!). Her own father died shortly after her husband John and she has 2 brothers listed as a grocer and a doctor in Limerick City, so it wodl make sense for her to move to Limerick.


I see there were several Leahys in Bulgaden area and I was tryign to see if there was more known about John? From the kids' baptismal certs, sponsors included a Johannah and a Thomas..... A brother and sister perhaps?


Any help is most welcome :) Thank you volunteers 

Jackie Leahy


Jackie Leahy

Tuesday 6th Apr 2021, 08:10AM

Message Board Replies

  • Jackie:

    Hello again!

    I searched the subscription site Roots Ireland for Bulgaden RC parish from 1835-1845 and there were no John Leahy baptismal records with father John in the parish.

    Not to complicate your search but since John was from Charleville when they married, it may be possible that he was actually from North Co. Cork. There were 20 John Leahy baptismal records in North Cork with father John on Roots Ireland.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 6th Apr 2021, 12:58PM
  • Roger, apologies, I see I never responded and thanked you for your help. Onwards and upwards so! Happy new year to you and all the other lovely volunteers. Jackie Leahy

    Jackie Leahy

    Saturday 7th Jan 2023, 07:57AM
  • Jackie: Happy New Year! All the best with your research! Roger

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 7th Jan 2023, 05:46PM
  • Jackie Leahy I have never heard of the Broad St. Leahy's or the Creggane Leahy's having a connection with Bulgaden. To the best of my knowledge they came from Ballyhea but you are correct about the Broad St. Leahy's they moved to Limerick and two of the sons became doctors and they would have died within the last few years but they both had family in Limerick. George Quain (

    Quain, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 10th Jan 2023, 11:54PM
  • Hi George, I apologise that for some reason I am only seeing your reply now.  Maybe I need to set up alerts for IrelandXO?
    Anyway, thank you for your reply. I am not even sure that the Broad Street Leahys and the Creggane Leahys are related. My uncles seemed to think we are not, but we are all very aware of the athletic prowess of this family. I did DNA test negative against one of their descendants, but would love to test some more people. I now have 4 of us Leahys tested, so it makes for good cross-testing. 
    The doctor you references who moved to Limerick is the family of the Henry Leahy you had previously corresponded with and I can see the connection with his family now. 
    I have a strong DNA link to people in the USA who trace their ancestor back to a Michael Leahy who was from Charleville and he was born in 1825. He married a Joanna Mc Carthy and they moved to Mass, USA. The connection from a DNA point of vew is very strong so I susect that this Michael Leahy was a younger brother to my John Leahy. I know there was also a Thomas, Margaret and Johanna as they were all sponsors at variosu baptisms. John Leahy and his wife Catherine O DOnoghue took over the lease of the grocer shop on Broad Street from a Maurice Leahy, so he could have been either an older brother who decided to emmigrate and pass on the shop or perhaps an older uncle? 
    Thank you again for your repy and apologies again for the very tardy reply. Jackie

    Jackie Leahy

    Monday 8th May 2023, 08:08PM
  • Hi Jackie

    I have given plenty thought to your Leahy's they appear to have gone back a long way in Charleville at least back to 1825. The mother of Paddy and Connie was Johanna McDonagh (family still live in the Parish of Granagh/Ballingarry and those McDonagh's have been in that area since 1639 mentioned in Census this lady was also in the USA at some time). The Leahy Family of Creggane took over the farm in approx. 1870 from a man called Hassett ( who I think was related to the Hassett Family of Colmanswell). The Leahy Family always seem to have had a USA connection hence Paddy and Connie went there. Those two boys appear to be the only ones that went to the USA as the rest of the family are more less accounted for.

    Quain, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 3rd Mar 2024, 04:39PM

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